The Serious Mental Illness Of Trump Derangement Syndrome
There once was a time when the republican and democrat parties would pretty much get along with each other in order to represent the people they served. Over the years that has changed. Republicans became very weak and feckless while the Democrats moved further and further to the left where they are now a communist/socialist party with an angry ‘do as I say’ attitude. Then along came Donald Trump promising to drain the swamp and make America great Again and he succeeded. This so triggered the left and the fact that he managed to defeat their rigged election of their ordained Hillary Clinton that they have completely gone off the wall in the deep end and into total insanity known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters defied the clause of the first amendment against inciting to riot and tells her supporters to confront and verbally assault and harass Trump supporters wherever they see them and tell them they are not wanted. Thus they confronted Sarah Sanders in a restaurant in Virginia, Pam Bondi in a movie theater in Florida and Kirsten Nielsen in a restaurant in Washington D.C. Maxine has never faced any consequences for her calls to violence. It is a mystery why anyone would support Maxine. She is an agitator without a coherent message. Plus, she feels powerful with a microphone in her hand. She is stuck in it because her constituents keep falling for it and voting her back in. As one commenter recently and humorously said, “Maxine keeps talking about “Peachmint.” Is that a new kind of tea?”
On Sunday, a 35-year-old Castro Valley man named Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican candidate Rudy Peters at his campaign booth at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Farzad was screaming about Trump. CBS Bay Area reported that according to witnesses, Farzad Fazeli made disparaging, profanity-laced remarks about the Republican party and President Donald Trump. Thank God the switchblade malfunctioned preventing Farzad Fazeli from stabbing Peters.
NBC Bay Area reported:
Farzad Fazeli, 35, approached Rudy Peters at his campaign booth at the Castro Valley Fall Festival in “an aggressive manner,” and made disparaging remarks about Peters and the republican party, witnesses told officers. Fazeli allegedly pulled out a knife and attempted to stab Peters, but the knife malfunctioned and Peters got into a physical altercation with Fazeli. No injuries were reported from the incident, according to Sheriff’s spokesperson Sgt. Ray Kelly.
Fazeli fled the scene but he was later arrested with a switchblade knife located on his person, officials said.
Now the Washington Post is blaming Trump for Hurricane Florence. On Tuesday night, as Hurricane Florence approached the Carolinas, The Washington Post issued an op-ed insisting that President Trump is “complicit” in the attacks powerful hurricanes mount against the United States. I’m surprised they didn’t use the word “collusion.”
Noting that Florence, a Category 4 hurricane, will be the strongest hurricane to ever hit the East Coast so far north if it comes inland, the Post opined, “ … when it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit. He plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks.”
The Post then quoted a climate researcher who posited of Hurricane Harvey, “Harvey could not have produced so much rain without human-induced climate change.” The op-ed continued. “Now Florence is feasting on warm Atlantic Ocean water.”
Then, a direct slam against the Trump administration: “With depressingly ironic timing, the Trump administration announced Tuesday a plan to roll back federal rules on methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is the main component in natural gas.” And a predictable comparison between Trump and environmentalist Barack Obama: “The Trump administration has now attacked all three pillars of President Barack Obama’s climate-change plan.”
The Post concludes, “The president has cemented the GOP’s legacy as one of reaction and reality denial. Sadly, few in his party appear to care.”
Yes, Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well at the Washington Post and other mainstream media outlets. If they did their research instead of trying to slander Trump they would realize that under Trump greenhouse gas emissions have been going down. Thanks to how great the economy is going, people are investing more in environmentally friendly solutions.
Another act of Trump Derangement Syndrome is a college professor who shot himself in the arm in the men’s room of a college protesting Trump.
A longtime sociology professor at the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) is facing felony charges after shooting himself on Aug. 28, the second day of the school year, The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
The professor, Mark Bird, took his .22 pistol into a restroom on campus. He taped a $100 bill and a note that said, “For the janitor,” (to clean up the blood) onto one of the mirrors. Bird stumbled out of the bathroom, bleeding, before he collapsed. Multiple faculty and at least one student witnessed the encounter before a 911 call was made. When police arrived at the scene the .22 and a spent shell casing were found on the bathroom floor.
Witnesses told police they heard a loud noise come from the bathroom but they had no idea Bird was armed or had shot himself, police reports indicate.
“One college employee told police that he held Bird’s hand to calm him down as others tried to stop the bleeding. While waiting for authorities to arrive, Bird said he had shot himself in protest of President Donald Trump, police noted in their report. The report did not elaborate,” The Review-Journal reported.
Around 9 a.m. that morning a campus-wide text alert was sent to students and faculty letting them know the scene was clear and the firearm had been recovered.
Court records show Bird was charged last month with discharging a gun within a prohibited structure, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and possessing a dangerous weapon on school property. And this guy is teaching students???? If this is what passes for an “educator” these days. That explains a lot of things.
So you mean to tell me a liberal professor was illegally carrying a concealed weapon?! Surely that gun must have put itself in his pocket and fired on him while he was simply using the men’s room. It HAS to be the NRA’s fault! Makes one wonder exactly where he bought it, how long he’s owned it, what his stance on gun ownership has been, etc.
Shooting himself to protest Trump. There’s a word to describe this idiot’s behavior: insanity. It reminds me of the Buddhist Monks who set themselves on fire protesting the Vietnam War. Just more proof that liberalism is a mental disease.
As one comment I saw said, “Trump has to be re-elected. I need four more years of watching the TDS libbies!!”