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Parkland Father Claims He Was Snubbed By Kavanaugh, Video Shows Otherwise


by Molly Prince

The father of a slain Parkland student was reportedly snubbed by Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, but video released of the encounter may refute his claim.

Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime was killed in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, walked up to Kavanaugh as the confirmation hearing took a recess. After he extended his hand to introduce himself, Kavanaugh seemingly whirled around and walked away. Guttenberg promptly took to Twitter to air his grievance.

“Just walked up to Judge Kavanaugh as morning session ended. Put out my hand to introduce myself as Jaime Guttenberg’s dad,” Guttenberg tweeted. “He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away.”

“I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence,” he continued.

Guttenberg’s tweet instantly gained attention with left-wing advocates seizing upon the potentially misleading interaction. Tommy Vieter, the National Security Council spokesman under former President Barack Obama, called it “awful,” and MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell referred to it as the “most important Kavanaugh confirmation hearing moment so far.”

Raj Shah, White House deputy press secretary, came to the defense of Kavanaugh and disputed the snub.

“As Judge Kavanaugh left for his lunch break, an unidentified individual approached him,” said Shah. “Before the Judge was able to shake his hand, security had intervened.”

Shah backed his claim up with a video of the interaction, noting that it “clearly shows security intervened when [Kavanaugh] was approached.”


MSNBC also released a video from a different angle, showing security more clearly bumping Kavanaugh’s arm, instructing him to exit the hearing. After Kavanaugh’s back was already turned, Guttenberg could be seen mouthing the word “Parkland.”

Progressive activists have consistently been shouting and interrupting the hearing since it commenced in the morning.

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  1. Try to make a life with your remaining time Mr. Guttenberg… Grandstanding like you did today, given the shameful circus that took place all day in that chamber did nothing but to make things not move forward for anyone.

    1. Yes it was a circus and there were far too many clowns pouring out of the tiny car…The actions by Democrat members should have mortified any American that respects our rules of law….It was a National Disgrace & watched world wide.

      Re :Guttenberg We all grieve in our own way. He has chosen to totally immerse himself in gun control and has ‘organized’ a group under his daughter’s name….No doubt he wanted to imprint that fact on the probable SCOTUS…..Rather than claim failure in his attempt, he tried to shift blame.

      Watch the timing of his extended hand….and motion

  2. There is nothing more repugnant than a parent hiding behind the death of their own child in order to pursue their sinister political agenda.

  3. The man clearly was out of line. He actually ‘rushed’ quickly up to the Supreme Court nominee out of no where, as the Supreme Court nominee was getting up from his seat.

  4. My question to any man who wants to make political, anti-2A traction out of school shootings is; “how many babies has your wife or girl friend aborted?”

    Same question to any woman for the same reasons; “how many unborn children have you aborted?”

    We need to destroy the lefts FAKE moral high ground and make clear what they are – Anti-American hypocrites who are so desperate for Global Socialism / Communism that they are willing to commit HOLOCAUST that already exceeds the entire estimated death rate of WWII JUST in this country alone!!!!

    I regret the loss of any child (little communist monsters like dAvid hOgg not withstanding) but in comparison ALL of the school shooting deaths combined – EVER – pale to utterly meaninglessness when compared to some 61 million LEGAL MURDERS since 1974! Nearly all of those deaths were AMERICAN CITIZENS.

    Think about that as you feel love for your countrymen. How can any of us NOT be outraged?!?!

  5. Amazing.. The video shows security asking Kavanaugh to leave but of course the media is going to LIE!!!

    I’m glad the media is distressed about the American people’s view of them, they have earned that scrutiny.

  6. Fred G just because your daughter died at Parkland does not make you special!!!! Shut up and go back to protesting my 2nd Amendment rights. Better yet get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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