In The News

The White House Daily Chronicle, May 20, 2018

The news behind the news on the president, administration and everything that happens in the White House is always in …  The White House Daily Chronicles.

note: this post is updated throughout the day as events warrant

See all of the daily White House Daily Chronicles HERE.

Presidential Itinerary – the details

President Donald Trump has no public events on his schedule for Sunday.

See all of the president’s daily schedules HERE.

Trump’s Tweets (newest to oldest)

Official Statements

On Cuban Independence Day

The twentieth of May marks the celebration of Cuban independence won by patriots who wished for individual freedom and the right of self-determination, both of which have been tragically snuffed out by a tired Communist regime. Regardless, the brave people of Cuba continue to workunder continued oppression and extraordinarily difficult circumstancesto provide for their families and to restore human and civil rights. The names of great Cuban leaders who fought for independence, such as Jos Mart and Antonio Maceo, echo through history alongside names like Washington and Jefferson. The legacy of these leaders continues to inspire and encourage all peoples to remain committed to the fight for democracy and the restoration of political, economic, and religious freedoms.

The resilience of the Cuban people and the contributions of the Cuban-American community demand our respect. We are grateful for the many contributions in the world of literature, the arts, music, cuisine, and entrepreneurship that these communities have given us.

To the people of Cuba who yearn for true freedom, and to the Cuban-Americans who reside in the United States, Melania and I send our warmest wishes. On this special day, we remember the Cuban patriots who lit a flame of freedom that will never be fully extinguished as long as men and women can dream of a better tomorrow. Let us recommit ourselves to a better, freer future for the Cuban people.

Executive Actions


Executive Branch Nominations/Designations

  • none

Communications with Heads of State and State Officials (readouts often come the day after the conversation)

Call with President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea

President Donald J. Trump spoke yesterday evening with President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea to discuss recent developments in North Korea and to continue their close coordination ahead of President Trumps June 12 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. President Trump said he looks forward to continuing their conversation when President Moon visits the White House on May 22.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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