In The News

The White House Daily Chronicle, May 17, 2018

The news behind the news on the president, administration and everything that happens in the White House is always in …  The White House Daily Chronicles.

note: this post is updated throughout the day as events warrant

See all of the daily White House Daily Chronicles HERE.

Presidential Itinerary – the details

President Donald Trump will have lunch with Secretary of State Jim Mattis then meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


See all of the president’s daily schedules HERE.

Trump’s Tweets (newest to oldest)

Official Statements

On the Move of the Guatemalan Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel

The United States welcomes the move of the Guatemalan Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We thank our Western Hemisphere partner for joining us in recognizing Israel’s capital and encourage additional moves. By being the first head of state to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to open an embassy there on May 14, 2018, President Trump reprised the role President Truman played 70 years ago when he was the first to recognize the State of Israel. We look forward to welcoming many more of our friends and allies in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

Regarding the United States-United Arab Emirates Open Skies Understanding

The United States and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have reached an understanding related to the United States–UAE Open Skies agreement that will benefit pilots, flight attendants, machinists, and other working men and women in America’s airline industry. In the newly negotiated understanding, it was recognized that government subsidies undermine healthy and fair competition.  The UAE has committed to financial transparency and will adhere to internationally-recognized accounting, disclosure, compliance, and auditing standards to make its practices more open and subject to public view and scrutiny. Lastly, the UAE informed the United States that its air carriers have no current plans to begin any new commercial “Fifth Freedom” flight routes, which are of particular concern to the U.S. carriers. The understanding mirrors the one made with Qatar earlier this year.

This understanding was the result of a White House task force co-led by the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and the National Economic Council, and including representatives from the Department of State and the Department of Transportation and other key Federal agencies.

With this understanding, President Donald J. Trump has again shown his commitment to American jobs and American companies.

Executive Actions

  • Signed an Executive Order Regarding Efficient Federal Operations [Full Text]

Executive Branch Nominations/Designations

  • Donald Ray Tapia of Arizona, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Jamaica

Communications with Heads of State and State Officials (readouts often come the day after the conversation)

Discussions with Delegation from China Regarding Trade Relationship

Today, Administration officials began a series of meetings with a delegation from the government of China, as part of ongoing trade discussions. The United States officials conveyed the Presidents clear goal for a fair trading relationship with China. The United States officials and the Chinese delegation also participated in a meeting with President Donald J. Trump at the White House. The two sides agreed to continue the discussions on Friday.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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