In The News

The White House Daily Chronicle, April 12, 2018

The news behind the news on the president, administration and everything that happens in the White House is always in …  The White House Daily Chronicles.

note: this post is updated throughout the day as events warrant

See all of the daily White House Daily Chronicles HERE.

Presidential Itinerary – the details

President Donald Trump will meet with governors and members of Congress in the morning then deliver a speech on tax cuts for American workers.


See all of the president’s daily schedules HERE.

Trump’s Tweets (newest to oldest)

Official Statements


Executive Actions

  • Executive Order on the Task Force on the United States Postal System [Full Text]
  • President Donald Trump authored an executive memo Thursday on Promoting Domestic Manufacturing and Job Creation– Policies and Procedures Relating to implementation of Air Quality Standards [Full Text]
  • President Donald Trump Proclaims April 14, 2018, as Pan American Day and April 8 through April 14, 2018, as Pan American Week [Full Text]

Executive Branch Nominations/Designations

  • Andrew M. Saul of New York, to be Commissioner of Social Security, for the remainder of a six year term expiring January 19, 2019 and for an additional six year term expiring January 19, 2025
  • Bonnie Glick of Maryland, to be Deputy Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development
  • David Fabian Black of North Dakota, to be Deputy Commissioner of Social Security for the remainder of a six-year term expiring January 19, 2019
  • Frederick Perpall of Texas, as Small Business Member on the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for the remainder of a three-year term expiring December 17, 2020
  • Louis DeJoy of North Carolina, as Public Member on the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for the remainder of a three-year term expiring December 17, 2020

Communications with Heads of State and State Officials (readouts often come the day after the conversation)

Call with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom

President Donald J. Trump spoke today with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom. The leaders continued their discussion of the need for a joint response to Syrias use of chemical weapons.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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