President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, February 27, 2018
President Donald Trump will meet with Republican senators to talk about renewable fuel standards.
At noon, the president will hear the Boy Scouts of America offer their Report to the Nation then he will meet with House Republicans to discuss trade.
Later in the afternoon, Trump will make an annoucement regarding his initiative on historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s).
President Trump’s schedule for 2/27/18
- 11:00 AM Meet with Republican members of the Senate on renewable fuel standards – Oval Office
- 12:00 PM Receive the Boy Scouts of America Report to the Nation – Oval Office
- 2:45 PM Meet with Republican members of the House of Representatives about trade – Cabinet Room
- 4:00 PM Make an announcement regarding additional leadership in the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Oval Office
See all schedules for the president HERE
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