Antifa Student Group Banned From Twitter After Inciting Violence
by Rob Schimshock
Twitter banned an Antifa student group after it said “bricks belong best thrown at pig heads,” according to a Wednesday report.
Watchdog group Far Left Watch noticed the Revolutionary Student Front at the University of Texas at Austin’s suspension after The Daily Caller News Foundation published two pieces regarding the comment inciting violence against police, as well as the group’s “self-defense” classes and its recruitment of those with mental illness.
Twitter has suspended the account of the violent communist group that has been advocating for armed violence against "capitalists".
— Far Left Watch (@FarLeftWatch) February 28, 2018
“The primary method of combating the symptoms of mental illness that we face under capitalism must be organizing those suffering to come into violent class conflict with the system that creates their illness,” said the Antifa group, describing its 2017 Revolutionary Mental Health Program.
The Revolutionary Student Front tweeted “bricks belong best thrown at pig heads” and announced in February that it was restarting weekly “self-defense” classes.
“This group is not a registered student organization at The University of Texas at Austin and is not affiliated with the university,” said J.B. Bird, a spokesman for UT Austin, to The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We have no record that the Revolutionary Student Front – which again, is not affiliated with the university – staged a self-defense class on our campus.”
“It’s also worth noting that organizations affiliated with the university must comply with our institutional rules,” continued Bird. “Threatened or actual violent conduct against a person is against university rules and counter to the university’s values.”
The group started a new Twitter account shortly after its suspension.
TheDCNF reached out to RSF for comment, but received none in time for press.
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