Students say career prep top priority for degree, college leaders disagree
A recent survey found that while current college attendees believe that the schools should ready them to enter the workforce, but those running institutions of higher learning disagree.
That’s one of the findings in the AGB 2017 Index, a report that includes a survey of college board members. A large majority of students cite workforce preparation as their primary reason for attending college.
“In particular, 85% of students say that getting a better job is a very important reason for them to go to college,” the report said. But, board members have different priorities. Just 22% of college leaders believe that the most important thing they can do for graduates is to prepare them for their careers.
The findings put college leadership at odds with the students they serve just as costs to attain a degree skyrocket.
The College Board calculates that the average in-state tuition (not including room and board) for the 2016 to 2017 academic year is $9,650 (2.4% higher than 2015 to 2016) at four-year public institutions and $33,480 at private, nonprofit, four-year institutions (3.6% higher than 2015 to 2016)
Business leaders have also expressed concern with the skills graduates possess when they enter the workforce.
A Gallup-Lumina Foundation Poll showed that only a third of business leaders (33%) agree or strongly agree that higher education institutions in this country are graduating students with the skills and competencies that businesses needs
I have long argued that anyone seeking to obtain a college loan submit what is the equivalent of a business plan. That plan would outline the purpose that the College Education would serve: what the would-be student wanted to study, the purpose of the study, the expected results in both quality of life and quality of income (showing the means to repay the loan), and why the course of study available at the College or University that would receive the loan proceeds would offer the best chance for success. Further, each additional year for which funds were requested would see an update on progress…showing courses completed, grades and the new schedule of classes with an indication of how they were furthering progress to the goal. That would insure that we were funding serious, mature study…not simply indulging a vacuous desire for status.
” I want a degree so I can get a better job”…Oh, really! And just what job do you have now? I’m sure that what parents like to hear, Some are very sincere while a huge number find it a great way to continue juvenile behavior and keggers. The teaching of life skills and common sense begins in the home. Not on the college campus……Even though colleges and universities are saddled with far too may left winged professors, it is only fair to acknowledge that vast, increasing numbers of freshmen just entering their hallowed halls cannot do basic math without a calculator or utter a complete sentence…so they really don’t have much to work with….hmmmm perhaps a long look and action should be taken at the elementary level???
Working as a workplace personnel consultant years ago I discovered that other than basic knowledge of a particular industry, the majority of employers felt that college ONLY indicated an ability to start and complete a task…… The ABC”s start in kindergarden….