John McCain Blows it Again

John McCain strange questions to ComeySenator John McCain just can’t help himself. On Thursday, the Republican Senator from Arizona cosponsored a bill that would force the military to accept transgender recruits, because that’s the most pressing issue for the military and working families today … or something.

New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand sponsored the bill that was cosponsored by Jack Reed (D-RI), McCain and Susan Collins (R-ME).

“Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve — including those who are transgender,” McCain said in a statement.

“Congress should honor them and let them serve,” Gillibrand said. “Doing otherwise would only harm our readiness at a time when our military is deployed around the world in defense of our country.”

McCain has been on an anti-Trump warpath for months giving the appearance that he has joined the #resist movement and a recent poll showed he’d be more popular if he switched parties. The elderly Senator has opposed Trump on immigration policy as he favors citizenship for illegal aliens and voted against Trump’s position on several measures before the Senate this summer. McCain is also in favor of the Trump-Russia investigations.

The bill is a slap against President Trump who last month ordered the military to stop performing gender reassignment surgeries, cease allowing transgender recruits and figure out what to do with those already serving.

McCain’s questionable decision to cosponsor the bill comes at a time when the Senate has come under great criticism for failing to pass legislation that would actually help working families. The body failed to pass anything to fix Obamacare, hasn’t taken up tax reform or border security and now that the House has passed all 12 of their appropriations bills on time, the Senate will need to take those up too.

The lack of focus on core issues from establishment Republicans has pushed the president to turn to Democrats to accomplish anything. McCain is more proof that relying on just the GOP won’t get anything done for working Americans anytime soon.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Is this the same McCain that objected none too quietly when women were allowed to serve in combat units?

    Mac’s lifeline now is R-E-V-E-N-G-E…..and to hell with the country he was “purported” to have fought & ‘suffered’ for….To me and others, I have long thought he was for sale. It seems his best pocket buddy Lindsey is distancing himself as well.

    Anyone who has undergone radiation and chemo treatments know that he is NOT in any condition to think rationally about much of anything else….much less OUR NATION”s future/

    There comes a day when your slippers wear out and they have to be thrown out….There are a number of worn out slippers that need trashed…..2018 is just around the corner, folks. Let’s help drain the swamp.

  2. How to destroy a lifetime of service with the final chapter exposing the true vindictive character of the man, How sad..

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