Congressional Black Caucus Moves Forward on Trump Impeachment
If there is one positive in the overwrought reaction to Charlottesville by the media and the sudden rush to eliminate Confederate statues, it is that the ugly racist undertone that exists within the left towards the election of President Trump has been laid bare.
As the months have churned on, it is virtually impossible to not see that a good amount of the animosity directed at Trump has been amplified by the black members of the Democratic Party.
The Congressional Black Caucus is a deliberately exclusionary group of far-left radicals that practice self-segregation in a manner that would be called racism were any other group to do likewise. Can you imagine the uproar over a Congressional White Caucus?
Now that the race card has been dealt from the bottom of the deck by the media, this cabal can now begin to move forward with their ultimate agenda.
To put in the words of leading CBC loudmouth Maxine Waters, that agenda is – IMPEACH 45.
Which is exactly where they are heading once the all of the blood sucking leeches on the backs of American taxpayers known as the U.S. Congress return to Washington after their latest extended vacation.
Congressional Black Caucus has had it with Trump, plans to discuss impeachment. @williamgdouglas reporting
— McClatchyDC (@McClatchyDC) August 21, 2017
Via McClatchy “Black caucus has had it with Trump, plans to discuss impeachment”:
The Congressional Black Caucus, a formidable bloc of lawmakers with a big say in the fate of President Donald Trump and his legislation, Monday sent him a terse, clear message: We don’t think you understand us at all.
The caucus’ chairman Monday urged cancellation of next month’s highly-anticipated meeting between White House officials and leaders of the nation’s historically black colleges. And he plans to have the 49-member caucus meet when Congress returns in two weeks to discuss whether to back Democratic-led efforts to impeach Trump.
Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., the caucus chairman, said the president’s remarks after the deadly August 12 protest in Charlottesville show he has no commitment to the schools or the African American community.
Richmond said the caucus was outraged by Trump’s assertion of “blame on both sides” for the violent rally dominated by neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
“You can make an argument based on pure competency and fitness to serve, and that’s the conversation the caucus will have,” Richmond told reporters in a conference call Monday. The caucus includes 46 House Democrats, Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Republican Rep. Mia Love of Utah.
“Am I concerned about high crimes and misdemeanors?” Richmond asked. “Absolutely. Am I concerned about this president’s fitness to serve? Absolutely.”
The squealing over Trump’s blaming of “both sides” over events in Charlottesville is the new Trump colluded with Putin to screw Hillary to Democrats.
They will NEVER denounce the disorderly leftist rabble that was there with the intent to stir up trouble and not one Democrat has gone on record to call out domestic terrorist group ANTIFA.
The CBC now has all that it needs to formally come out in favor of impeaching Trump. This will be their top and ONLY campaign issue heading into 2018 but impeachment doesn’t fill one belly, create one job nor lower health care costs for one family.
With this particular group, it’s always about only one thing and that is exploiting racial divisions and fear mongering to get reelected and they get the suckers to fall for it every time.
Isn’t it just a tad strange that the ones that have cried for ‘race equality’ are so anxious to disparage their best chance for it? I’ve always found it rather odd that the Black and Hispanic Chamber of Commerce belong to the city’s chambers yet exclude ‘white’ businesses. The “Black Caucus” st all seem content to put another lock on their chains of slavery. They are encouraging a form of mental ‘self-imprisonment’. They full well KNOW that there is no ’cause’ and if Trump is impeachable, charges CAN, WILL be brought against thier beloved split tongue Obama.
They say it is always darkest before the dawn.
Trump is not the seat of power in this Nation. WE the people are. And we ARE getting fed up with this!!!
Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes. Don’t fire until you have been fired upon. THEN what happens will be JUST and TRUE!!!! The largest army in the world is right here in this Nation! You can conduct all the twisted polls and warp the truth into lies until your little 2D brain bursts but when the act of Blood and Bone happens the TRUTH will finally win! And when that happens we will see what PUSSIES all these loudmouth LIARS actually are!
I still believe in America and I still love Real Americans! The Liars and False Witnesses may succeed in taking away our LAWFULLY elected President but they will never be powerful enough to enslave us!!
It is sad that blacks do not realize that they are merely pawns of the ugly old white progressives to this very day. It is ok with Pelosi, Schumer and the rest to encourage the blacks in the democrat party to make fools of themselves, which is clear. Useful idiots. Got it.