In The News
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, April 12, 2017
President Donald Trump will start off with the presidential daily briefing provided by the intelligence community.
Mid-morning, the president meets with Rep. Bob Goodlatte who, as the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, helped Trump’s team craft the immigration executive order.
The remainder of President Trump’s day will be spent meeting with and holding a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
President Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, 4/12/17
- 10:30 AM Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 11:30 AM Meet with House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte – Oval Office
- 3:00 PM Meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg – Oval Office
- 3:25 PM Lead an expanded bilateral meeting with Secretary General Stoltenberg – Oval Office
- 4:00 PM Hold joint press conference with Secretary General Stoltenberg – East Room
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