WATCH: Launch Broadcast: Delta IV WGS-9
If you’ve been following me, you know I’m a huge fan of space exploration, space science and of course rockets!
This version of the Delta IV, the M+4, features a two-stage liquid-fueled vehicle supported by four solid-rocket motors (SRM’s) during the first portion of the launch. The solid rocket motors are jettisoned after burning through their fuel.
The WGS-9 is a military communications satellite that will be inserted into a low geosynchronous orbit by the Delta IV system. After test confirm that WGS-9 is operational, it will accelerate into a higher orbit.
Watch as ULA’s Delta IV rocket lifts off with the ninth Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS-9) mission for the U.S. Air Force. The launch happens at 54:40, if you don’s want all the commentary. Now, I’m off to launch my Delta IV rocket model in Kerbal Space Program.