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Another SpaceX History Maker: Successful Launch and Landing of Used Falcon 9 Booster

SpaceX made history twice in one launch as it launched and recovered a previously flown and recycled first stage booster.

The launch went off without incident or delay at 6:27 pm eastern time on Thursday evening from the Kennedy Space Center.

The mission, SES-10, carried a communications satellite from Luxembourg-based communications company SES.

The first stage successfully performed a re-entry burn, re-entered Earth’s atmosphere, and landed on the unmanned drone landing ship “Of Course I Still Love You.”

The booster is expected to be refurbished and used in a future launch.

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Duncan Idaho

Duncan is a science and technology reporter for CDN and serves as the lead geek correspondent. Follow him if you like rockets, mobile tech, video games or ... just about anything nerdy.

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