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WATCH: Why Good Teachers Want School Choice
Can every child receive a good education? With school choice and competition, yes. The problem? Powerful teachers unions oppose school choice. Rebecca Friedrichs, a public school teacher who took her case against the teachers union all the way to the Supreme Court, explains why school choice is the right choice.
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I’m all for school choice, but concerned how families without much money will get their kids to a good school. I would assume if we went 100% choice there would be no busing?
It is a complicated issue. Traditional schools, especially in poor areas, are failing our kids at an alarming rate.
Yes, school choice means figuring out the transportation problem, but where a need exists, the free-market often finds a solution.
I’m not copping out on your question, I am freely admitting I have not studied the problem you present. My kids attend charter school because the traditional school was turning them both into B-C students and they are both honor roll now with one in honors courses, a 4+ average and a good chance at scholarships for a science major. The other is A-B and working hard. The difference in the teachers, administrators and focus are obvious.
I actually give up 2 hours of my workday, at tremendous cost, to get them to and from school.
I would think that a poverty-level parent might ride the city buses with their kids if they don’t have a car. Pooling with other parents from the neighborhood might also be a choice. I’ve considered the carpooling thing, but I run two small businesses and my flexibility is limited.
Traditional schools have had no answers other than free food, and free buses – is that why we send our kids to school?