Buying a Vote the Old Fashioned Way – Sex
Just when we thought that politicians had run out of things to “give” to voters to buy a vote – we were wrong.
Sex with prostitutes will be paid for by the Government for anyone too poor for a hooker and deemed to need sexual assistance under German Green Party plans.
The party’s care spokeswoman Elisabeth Scharfenberg says doctors should have the right to issue the free prescriptions to their patients for ladies of the night.
Prostitution is legal in Germany – both types. One where politicians sell themselves for a vote and the oldest profession known to man.
Sure, initial reactions are that taxpayers won’t want to pay for poor people to have sex with prostitutes, but in Holland, prostitution is already funded by their “health insurance fund.”
Something like this could never happen in America … right?
We haven’t gone to naming sex with a prostitute a human right just yet, but just wait until American progressives get ahold of this!