
What many are missing on Trump’s wins with Carrier, Softbank and others

President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly negotiated deals to save or create American jobs at Ford, Carrier, and via spending by Softbank, but there’s more to this story.

Ford pulled back plans to move jobs to either Mexico or Canada and Carrier ditched plans to send jobs to Mexico, but the biased media and the liberals in Washington decried Trump’s successes as impossible to scale or repeat:

Critics warned that the arrangement struck with Carrier – which had planned to shift its operations at the plant to Mexico before Trump’s intervention – is unsustainable on a large scale and could set a dangerous precedent for companies looking for tax concessions.

Then,  after talking with Trump, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son pledged $50 Billion to create an estimated 50,000 American jobs – and Mr. Trump did the Ford, Carrier, and Softbank deals all before even being inaugurated.

Trump isn’t doing one-off deals. The President-elect is working every single hour of every single day to put Americans back to work and to bring manufacturing back the United States. He is teaching industry leaders how they can make America great again while showing foreign investors that America is now business friendly again.

But is that really the message at the core of Trump’s strategy – not hardly. Trump is reversing the progressive stance that military members, manual laborers, and factory workers are pariahs and that the only way that a factory worker, welder or truck driver can be successful is to retrain as a computer programmer.

Bad news liberals, not everyone likes to write code. Factory jobs and skilled labor can lead to incredibly lucrative jobs.

A production foreman can make as much as $97,000/yr while a welder could pull in $65k or more per year. These aren’t the bad jobs with terrible pay that Democrats would have Americans believe.

Now, Trump may not be the only one that understands the value of these kinds of jobs .

On Sunday night, CBS’ 60 Minutes aired a segment on Joe Max Higgins who seems to share Trump’s ferocity for building and growing.

If you have heard of the Golden Triangle, it might be because of this: Mississippi State football.  Around here, everybody loves the Bulldogs.  And “bulldog” is an apt description of the man who runs economic development for the area: Joe Max Higgins.  He considers job creation a full contact sport.

Joe Max Higgins: The only way we win any deal is to tear off everybody else’s face. We gotta kill everybody to win the deal.

Ferocity is a job requirement. During the recession, unemployment in some parts of the Triangle got as high as 20 percent.


He has attracted $6 billion of advanced industry including this mill run by Steel Dynamics.  It’s one of the most hi-tech steel mills in the country.  He got this helicopter factory up and running. Truck maker PACCAR used to build engines only in Europe.  It opened its first U.S. plant in the Triangle.

The liberal elite has spent the last ten years telling factory workers that they need to learn java and take a desk job to be successful because factory jobs have left for good. Here’s Obama on factory jobs:

Some of those jobs of the past are just not gonna come back. And when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned [Trump], I’m not gonna advertise for. That he’s gonna bring all of these jobs back. Well how exactly you gonna do that? What are you gonna do? There’s no answer to it. He just says, ‘Well, I’m gonna negotiate a better deal. How exactly are you gonna negotiate that? What magic wand do you have. And usually the answer is,’he doesn’t have an answer.


Trump is telling workers that the U.S. needs people who like to build things, not just write software and he has a magic wand that looks a lot like Mr. Joe Max Higgins.

Everyone has a different aptitude. Some are particularly built to be awesome programmers, others like to build things with their hands – bolt-by-bolt, weld-by-weld or brick-by-brick. One is not more important than the other. At one point or another, a programmer will likely need a plumber, electrician, drywall hanger or roofer just as an electrician will likely need software to do accounting for him.

The left engages in identity politics to divide the country. Americans don’t naturally find factory work less desirable than accounting or vice-versa. Every American has their own likes and aptitude. Someone who enjoys welding steel or driving a truck isn’t likely to enjoy a job where the measure of success is how many lines of bug-free code they can produce.

Some Americans like to build things. Trump gets it because he too likes to build things and politicians do not because most of them have never built anything but a bank account and a legacy.

Obama could have spent his eight years in office going company to company trying to save jobs or negotiating fair trade deals with individual nations, but he didn’t.

Obama spent his time padding his bank account, propping up the failed solar industry, running for a U.N. position, building his legacy and playing a ton of golf at taxpayers’ expense.

Working Americans rebuffed Hillary, she was going to be exactly like President Obama.

Working American rebuffed the Democrat party because they were going to be exactly the same as they have been and working folks have families to feed.

Finally, after more than a decade of confusion, America finally has someone focused on the real economy – not some fake green economy, some other country’s economy or the false narrative of a global economy.

Donald Trump is solely focused on the American economy and he is winning.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. I am encouraged by what the President
    Elect is saying and doing so far. But, when I read or hear some of the media talk about him – you’d think he has no idea what he is doing. It’s discouraging that so many refuse to give him a break.

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