Green Party to Reap Windfall From Michigan Recount Stoppage
Anyone that gave money to the Green Party’s candidate Jill Stein for a logically-flawed recount of the 2016 presidential election, should demand the same refund that her lawyers are now requesting.
The Green Party has already said that any funds not used in the 2016 recount would go to other Green Party initiatives so anyone that gave to this hot mess … should have known they were getting robbed.
Now that the Michigan recount is finished, the Green Party wants the donated money back from Michigan to put into their coffers.
“The law provides that for the precincts that were unrecountable [sic], that she should get a refund,” said Stein’s attorney, Mark Brewer.
While “unrecountable” isn’t a word, it is a thing. Detroit has over 1600 precincts (really?) and of those, more than 600 could not be recounted due to irregularities.
Almost 40% of Detroit counties had large enough discrepancies between poll logs and ballot counts to make 100% of their ballots ineligible for a recount, even though somehow they were countable on election night.
Detroit went heavily for Hillary so the lack of a recount there would be unlikely to change the outcome .. at all, but it does shine a light on an election system that is at best flawed and at worst corrupt.
Michigan will remain Trump’s and the money that Trump haters sent to the Green Party will remain the Green Party’s as well, but nobody will spend much effort or money to figure out how more than a third of Detroit’s ballots were cast in such a way that they could not be trusted – and yet still got counted.