Why Broadway cast member’s insulting speech to VP-elect Pence doesn’t matter
In an ill-advised stunt, a member of the Broadway play “Hamilton” chose to use the curtain-call at the end of the performance as a platform upon which he could make a political statement.
No one begrudges the cast member his freedom to express himself. In fact, Mike Pence, with more grace than the stage performer, said that he was not offended by the remarks.
At issue is the time and place, not the commentary. Pence has since been the consummate statesman brushing away the insulting manner in which the remarks were delivered and ultimately left the cast member’s odd commentary to drift away into nothingness.
The Hamilton rant comes on the heels of a 2016 presidential campaign where every possible Hollywood celebrity and top musical performer had gone public to espouse their support for whichever candidate and why – to no appreciable effect – but, why?
It turns out that the average person doesn’t turn to movie stars, broadway cast members, or pop stars for thoughtful and intelligent insight on American politics.
If a Broadway professional wants to spend a few minutes telling the world how he feels about the current state of American politics, fine, go nuts – just don’t expect anyone to take anything more from it than the rant that it is. As an aside, you could have just posted a video rant to youtube.com like everyone else.
The actor’s statements were not part of a conversation as there was no back-and-forth between two or more people. It wasn’t informative nor instructive as nothing, save statements of emotion, was presented. It was a rant – pure and simple – and come Monday morning it will be as disregarded a memory as Madonna’s push for Hillary, Jay Z’s political statements, Kanye’s sorta-support for Trump or any other performer’s political statements.
No one paid for a Hamilton ticket in the hopes that they could be pulled back into the political fray that ended on November 9th. They went to be entertained and, in some cases, escape reality. The curtain call wasn’t well-thought-out and will have zero impact on modern political discourse.
Liberals are struggling with the election outcome and appear to be using every possible avenue to avoid the fact that the progressive ideology was firmly rebuked. The left has still not realized that there is another whole America out there that just voted against their idea of American society.
Perhaps the real solution to all of this is a really big safe space, the size of Brooklyn, for all of them to live in and enjoy their group-think. The good news? It just might exist.
This ‘actor’ is so insignificant that i don’t recall his name….but understand he has been an activist on occasions such at the Dakota Pipeline also Trump rallies….ah, yes it’s a long road to fame even with his ‘self’ promotion…..This is a prime example of class and ass….Pence is a gentleman. I just felt bad for the total disregard the cast showed for his children and audience that paid big bucks to see the show.