Obama Cautions Trump About Attacking American Values??Look Who’s talking!!!
This guy Obama has a lot of nerve saying he’ll work with Trump and urging his fellow democrats to work with him, but said he will speak out if Trump begins to attack American values. He acts as if Trump is some foreign born person just coming into the office of the President. Trump knows a lot more than Obama does when it comes to American values. Why does he think Trump’s theme is “Make America Great Again?”
President Barack Obama said Sunday that he would withhold criticism of the Trump administration once he’s out of office — even if President-elect Donald Trump tries to dismantle his legacy.
“I want to be respectful of the office and give the president-elect an opportunity to put forward his platform and his arguments without somebody popping off in every instance,” Obama said.
Obama urged his fellow Democrats to try to work with Trump’s team if what it’s doing is good for the country. But he cautioned that if the Trump administration begins to attack American values, he might be compelled to speak up, and so would the Democratic Party. Obama says he’ll give Trump a chance, even if he attacks legacy – AOL News
What does Obama know about American values? He is the most anti-American president we’ve ever had. He hates America. Trump loves America and is very pro American and pro military. Trump is Everything Obama hates.
Obama has to be the single worst President in American history. A Muslim sympathizer who warns the enemy ahead of an attack and fires the Generals who complain. The great divider who set back race relations 50 years and increased welfare by 150%. The liar who increased taxes and cut our military budget and paychecks until the military is just a skeleton of what it once was. A co-conspirator with the black lives matter and the new black panther party radical domestic terrorist organization supporting the nation-wide murders of Police Officers. Barrack Hussein Obama; A community organizer/protestor, pro-Muslim, anti-American, anti-military, anti-police son of a bitch and he has the nerve to talk about American values especially cautioning someone like Trump who is and always has been pro-American ,red white and true blue all the way??
Obama has no American values, he’s a communist, racist, liar who had Black Lives Matter over to the white house and celebrated them as much better organizers than he was and an upcoming force in America. These are the same people who go thru the streets of New York saying, “What do we want? Dead Cops!!When do we want them. Now!!” and “Pigs in a blanket!!Fry ‘em like bacon!!”
We all have witnessed Obama’s idea of American Values many misguided such as worsening race relations, hiding behind those incidents and administrative actions such as IRS actions against one political group, restricting economic growth, causing world -wide furor from terrorists. ?? Obama talks about HIS legacy? LOL Don’t make me laugh!!!!
Sorry Barack your version of American values can’t hold a candle to Trump’s version and most of America’s version of American values. Something you obviously know nothing about.