In The News

Is DirecTV blocking Fox News?

For the past three days, Fox News on Directv channel 360 has been unavailable with the message
“We are experiencing technical difficulties” during the morning show ‘Fox and Friends.’

Anger is building on social media that AT&T owned DirecTV may be censoring the morning news coverage towards left-leaning sources like MSNBC and NBC just days before the election.

Attempts to contact customer service have also frustrated customers to the point of lashing out on the DirecTV forums:


On Friday, AT&T’s media relations folks responded to our request for comment on the issue with a statement indicating that many channels were affected:

We’re experiencing technical difficulties impacting 8 HD channels, including CNN HD and FOX News HD, for our satellite customers. These and most of the other channels are available in SD and via our streaming apps. Customers can learn how to unhide SD channels at We apologize for the inconvenience. We’re working to address the issues and will update accordingly.
The statement didn’t address why or how the technical issue occurred.
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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. I have Direct TV and after this shit they have pulled i’m done with them, I am going to cancel my service and tell everyone i know to do the same. I also have AT&T for all my company cell phones and home phone, guess what i’m done with these pricks too. Anyone who has service with either one of these left wing pricks do like me and go to someone else for your service that does not support crooked media and Hillary. Lock her ass up!!!!! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

    1. Chris they are doing the same to me & I feel the same. After the election I won’t be needing television any longer, as I realize between TV & Cell phones they are controlling the public. All done with this company since they brought A T & T in

  2. I will be canceling Direct TV after the election. Is this a coincidence that we can’t get Fox News Channel on Direct. I don’t think so. Is AT&T a contributor to the Clinton Foundation or funding her campaign? That would explain this outage. The American people will speak by casting a vote for Donald Trump on November 8th, regardless of news coverage. We, the people, are not stupid.

  3. I am furious! I have attempted to call Direct TV no less than 5 times. As soon as I enter my phone number they send me to a busy signal.

    I will not stand for censorship. FOX is the only channel that represents my views. I’m sick of liberal media telling me what I am to think, feel and believe.


    1. Fox News is complete lies….as evidenced by Hannity this week and having to apologize for false/erroneous reporting. Stop polluting your mind with that nonsense.

      1. Please go suffocate yourself. If after everything that has been revealed about the Clintons, you still want to vote for her, you do not deserve the air you breathe.

      2. Go back to CNN & your criminal candidate. Minding one’s own business is your problem loser

  4. According to the message on the channels, it’s the HD channels that are affected. If you go into settings and find the option to “show SD channels” then you can watch it on there.
    I read another article saying that it is not directv but hackers from our possibly hired by the hillary campaign, outside of the company that have been responsible, this had not been proven though. Just here-say

  5. I will be cancelling Directv as well. this is complete bullshit! So pissed I cannot watch the news. coincidence…I think not. I guess Hilary paid off Directv too.
    Trump 2016

  6. Direct TV is now tied with AT&T — one and the same company. This b.s. about “technical difficulties” is cover for censorship. TWC/Spectrum isn’t having any problems delivering FOX. The uplink is fine. It’s the distribution that Direct TV has shut down — intentionally.

    Censorship is an ugly thing, but this example by Direct TV / AT&T is just a small example of what’s coming in the near future. You’ve already seen it with the so-called news corporations, e.g. NYTimes, Wash. Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, etc. They no longer provide true news reporting — they edit and censor what they feed to the masses.

    There is no journalism left. It’s a reflection of the piss-poor education being provided by the elitist and stone-dead schools of journalism. Things are bad, America. Get ready for a fight.

  7. I will be changing to dish after the election this is censorship I won’t stand for it I have been with direct for many years but this 5 days before the election is uncalled for it is directly linked to Hillary supporters somehow they just can’t stand us deplorables I guess

  8. This is unbelievable. The amount of censorship that is happening right now. Kinda feels like Nazi Germany. Love him or hate him, one things for sure, Trump has been a catalyst of truth. Snakes are crawling out everywhere for us to see.

  9. Go to Facebook and post this. Then write them a message. Maybe if they get enough messages ?

    Most people report they receive a message there are technical difficulties. I’m at a motel and have been informed I haven’t purchased the channel. I was watching it last night !!! Motel says it’s a directv problem.

    1. On your Directv remote click Menu,
      then, go to Settings,
      then, preferences, then, Guide HD Channels,
      then, Show all channels, now you can watch Fox news on SD, not HD, click guide on your remote and scroll to Fox News non-HD channel send these instructions to everyone you know and cancel Directv after you get dish

  10. I have been continually dissatisfied with Direct TV due to the rise in the cost of their service. This is the last straw of blocking Fox News on channel 360. This is the only news channel we watch and feel like we
    get true unbiased news. We have been loyal customers with Direct TV for over 20 years and AT & T and AllTel for almost that long too. But we will be dropping your service and going with another company.
    You have no right to censor the programs we PAY to watch. How dare you. This is America!!!. I hope everyone else you have done this to follows suit and does the same thing.

  11. Fox News has been off here all day, it just came back on within the past hour however it is not Fox News it is Fusion TV, that by the way is owned by Univision. I don’t consider myself a conspiracy person but I am pretty sure this is more than coincidence.

  12. FOX News is blocked for us also: this must be the work of a disgruntled hacker. Surely AT&T / DirecTV would not shoot themselves in the foot by blocking a popular channel that’s in high demand? That would be very unwise and a horrible business decision. Must be a hacker, and AT&T must be as befuddled as we are.

  13. Yep. Was watching my recording of Outnumbered when it simply went black, no message. And Fusion channel is, indeed, playing on 360. 1:40 CST in Central Texas.

  14. If your receiver is a HD receiver, it is probably the HD channel feed. Occasionally there will be problems at the broadcasting center ( uplink ) where a channel or sometimes a whole bunch of channels ( locals in your area ) will go down until they find what the problem is.

    Try going into your menu and hiding HD channels and you should get the SD ( standard definition ) version to show, however it seems to be fixed. mine is playing HD FOX news now on ch 360.

  15. My Fox News is out along with everybody else’s in this part of western Virginia. Actually, They have replaced Fox with “Fusion” TV Network right now. This should be illegal.

  16. We have comcast and they blacked out Fox News (both the regular channel and HD) all day Thursday-yesterday. I called and they acted clueless. Interesting that DTV and Comcast had the same issue. CNN and ALL other channels worked fine.

  17. Talk about coincidence, or convenience, or compliance to the powers that be! Enough is enough!!! We are not going to forget or let or children ( who you simply categorize as millennials). I will tell anyone who will listen about this atrocity and some that don’t want to, thanks for identifying yourselves!

  18. I’m in California and had no black out problems with 360, however is this because California is a liberal state and not considered a threat to the liberal wackos?

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