
If Being Rude Were An Asset, Tim Kaine Would Be A Shoo-in For V.P.

The Democrat Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Kaine, was rude in the political debate last week. By talking over Mike Pence constantly, and having the liberal moderator of the debate teaming up with him to keep Mr. Pence from making legitimate points that the American public could hear and understand, and likely agree with, he crushed free expression by the Republican. But he was also a bit dictatorial by refusing to give Mr. Pence the freedom of speech (the specific freedom to speak is not the problem, but the freedom to be heard, as was the intention of having a debate on national television, was denied to Pence by Kaine and the liberal moderator) that Mr. Pence deserves.

Liberals are masters at halting commentary and opinion that they don’t like. The “hush-Rush” bill was one example, as was the “equal-time rule” that sought to halt conservative thought and expression. And more recently we have liberals in the Obama administration trying to deny conservative web sites any assurance that they will be permitted to continue to produce their opinions as the Obama people turn the internet over to control by the likes of North Korea and Cuba. Tim Kaine’s repeated interruptions of Mike Pence’s responses to Kaine’s lies and policy position statements were yet another example of liberal politicians blocking the truth and spreading the lies.

So the United States looks back on a series of failures, about seven years of failures to be exact, like this nation has never seen before, and if Hillary/Kaine are elected in November the failures will be more frequent and increasingly more devastating.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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