Fantasy Land for the Democrats!
We’ve got ‘em! Democrats are like a new puppy peeing all over themselves when you first bring it home! They are all excited that Mr. Trump used his knowledge of the broken tax system to take LEGAL advantage of the tax code for his business. He claimed he lost over $900 million in 1995. The dictionary defines “fantasy” as:
“a place that is unreal or imaginary or that excites wonder”
It’s a wonder alright. It’s a wonder that the Hard Left gives a pass to ALL the illegal activities of their electeds and leaders. Rev. Al Sharpton owes millions in back taxes but is still out of prison. George Soros owes over $7 billion. No noise about that! And let’s not forget former Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner. Oh, and Congressman Charles Rangel (D) (he belonged to the committee that WROTE tax laws), Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill one of the richest members of Congress. Then there is, Tom Daschle, the Dems choice for HHS Secretary who had to drop out when the media, not the mainstream media, pointed out he didn’t, and wouldn’t, pay the taxes he owed.
Over 40 Obama staffers owe close to $1 million in back taxes.
Now before you start sending me the names of Republicans who owe taxes, save the brain cells. Note that I didn’t say ONLY Dems owed taxes or that only Dems are tax cheats. BUT, I am dealing with the drooling bunch of Dems who are loving that fact that Trump lost money in 1995.
So let’s return from Fantasy Land back to the U.S. Many, many, many businesses show a loss when reporting revenue because they write off every legally allowed deduction that both Democrats and Republicans have voted for. Even when the Dems had control of ALL 3 BRANCHES of the Federal government, they didn’t fix ANY of the tax code. So when they keep saying “we need to close the loopholes” I say BS… They could have done it and chose not to.
And let’s make a distinction here… The Dems mentioned above chose NOT to pay what they owed and even failed to report items they were supposed to disclose. Mr. Trump declared all and took the proper legal deductions. BIG difference!
Every small business in this country who has any CPA worth…..
Read the rest at: ClintonCrooks