
Senate Seats up for grabs in 2016

2016 presents Democrats with some opportunities to steal back a few senate seats and possibly even re-take the majority. Democrats have a clear advantages this year as there are far more republicans up for election than democrats – 24 vs. 10.


Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)
Barbara Boxer (California) retiring in 2016
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) retiring in 2016
Patty Murray (Washington)
Harry Reid (Nevada) retiring in 2016
Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
Charles Schumer (New York)
Ron Wyden (Oregon)


Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire)
Roy Blunt (Missouri)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Richard Burr (North Carolina)
Dan Coats (Indiana) retiring in 2016
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
John Hoeven (North Dakota)
Johnny Isakson (Georgia)
Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
Mark Kirk (Illinois)
James Lankford (Oklahoma)
Mike Lee (Utah)
John McCain (Arizona)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Marco Rubio (Florida)
Tim Scott (South Carolina)
Richard Shelby (Alabama)
John Thune (South Dakota)
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)
David Vitter (Louisiana) retiring in 2016

The current senate make-up is 54 Republicans and 46 Democrats (including two independents that caucus with Democrats) which means that flipping 5 seats gives Democrats a 51-49 majority. If Hillary Clinton wins and Tim Kaine becomes the president of the Senate, only 4 seats need to flip to give Democrats the advantage in a 50-50 tie vote.

30 Republican seats are safe as they are not up for election. Out of the seats up-for-grabs, 12 are safe as there is no serious challenger to the incumbent leaving 42 seats solidly red. Eight states show the republican polling well and expected to eek out a victory. That leaves two at-risk states that CDN sees as toss-ups or leaning Democrat and could go to blue if the GOP falters.

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Current GOP Senate Seats At-Risk of Going Democrat

Indiana: Leans Dem – Todd Young(R) running to replace retiring Sen. Dan Coats (R) vs. challenger former Sen. Bayh(D)
Pennsylvania: Toss-up – Toomey (R)

Current Democrat Senate Seats At-Risk of Going Republican

Nevada: Leaning Republican – Heck(R) battling Cortez Masto(D) to replace retiring Harry Reid(D)


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. “ADOPT A SENATOR”……it’s easy…if your state isn’t involved this year. PICK ONE FROM ANOTHER STATE. to support. Often if you check their home pages for info and a contact address you can send a good luck note and get a list of what is needed. Be sure to explain that you aren’t a resident but want to help

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