
The “Best Biden ever” Forced Out Because He has Cognitive Dementia

This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically is the best Biden ever. And I’ve known him for years.

Morning Joe Scarborough, July 8, 2024

Some of the videos of Mr. Biden circulating during this year’s campaign are clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused. Others cut out vital context to portray him in a negative light, a process sometimes known as a “cheap fake” because it requires little expense or technological skill to create.

New York Times, the week before Biden’s “disastrous” debate performance with Trump on June 27, 2024

[Joe Biden’s] absolutely saying in this race. … He is the best person to prosecute this case.

Biden campaign Chairman Jen O’Malley Dillon, July 19, 2024

Joe Biden appears to be sharp as a tack.

Actor Michael Douglas reading his latest script, April 22, 2024

I would put the president’s stamina, the president’s wisdom, ability to get this done on behalf of the American people, against anyone … on any day of the week.

Karine Jean Pierre, Nov. 20, 2023

I’m in this to complete the job I started.  …  I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if she wasn’t qualified.

Joe Biden, July 12, 2024

I’m not going anywhere.  I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024.

Joe Biden, July 8, 2024

I have been privileged and proud to serve as Vice President of the United States with Joe Biden.  And … that report [by special counsel Robert Hur describing Joe Biden is an “elderly man with a poor memory”], I believe, as a former prosecutor, [Hur’s] comments [are] gratuitous, inaccurate, and inappropriate.  … The way the president’s demeanour in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and, clearly, politically motivated — gratuitous. … [W]hen it comes to the role and responsibility of a prosecutor in a situation like that, we should expect that there would be a higher level of integrity than what we saw. 

VP Kamala Harris, Feb. 9, 2024

Joe Biden on Tuesday won enough delegates to secure the Democratic presidential nomination. Biden’s surged past the required 1,968 delegates with primary victory in Georgia, …

Bloomberg, March 13, 2024

The “intellectually, analytically … best Biden ever,” the Biden who is “sharp as a tack,” the Biden who has better stamina and wisdom than anyone to get things done for the American people, the Biden who is “absolutely” staying in the race because he is the “best person” to defeat Donald Trump in November, just dropped out of the race because members of his own party, like Obama, who did not support him in 2016, backstabbed him because he has, for four years, been transparently suffering from severe cognitive dementia.  This has been transparent to anyone with functioning eyeballs, which does not, apparently, include the Democrat Party News-media Collusion-team (hereafter the DNC), for the last four years.  The sudden departure of Joe Biden from the presidential race means that, using his own words, someone less qualified than himself to defeat Trump in November 2024, probably cackling Kamala Harris, will probably run against Trump.

Since the DNC (both the Party itself and their media poodles) has been perpetrating a massive cover-up on the American people about Biden’s fitness for office for many years, and since Biden’s disastrous” June debate performance against Trump has exposed the hoax, the DNC, including especially Harris herself, has been forced to produce an entirely new storyline to con the American people.  The first plank in this new storyline is that Biden is a selfless hero for stepping aside because he puts the country first over himself.  In fact, an angry Biden had to be pried, kicking and screaming, out of the White House with a crowbar by his alleged “friends” (Obama, Pelosi, etc.) because he cares far more for “the Big Guy (himself)” than he does the country that he has been dutifully destroying.  Biden did not decide to end his campaign out of love for the country but because influential Democrats knew he could not win and forced him out.  After he was no longer useful, Democrats callously pushed him aside, ignoring, undemocratically, all the people who voted for him in the primary.  Pure “Power Politics” (not ethics).  If you want a friend in D.C., get yourself a dog.

The second part of the new storyline is that Harris is going to be a great and historic candidate to run against Trump in November: “The floodgates will be open: Democrat donors energized by Harris’ run.”  In fact, in the 2020 Democrat primaries, Harris’ campaign was such a “mess” that she did not make it to Iowa.  The Washington Post states that her campaign for president “failed”.  Biden picked Harris as VP, not because she was the best person for the job but, apparently believing that governing the United States is a children’s power game, because of her gender and skin colour.  Unfortunately, pandering, Joe Biden’s speciality, is not governing.  It is, in fact, the opposite to genuine governing. 

As a consequence of his affirmative action pick for VP, Harris, assigned early on as Biden’s “border czar”, literally did nothing in four years to secure the border. As Sen. John Cornyn (Texas) puts it:

“She’s [Kamala’s] going to be tagged with all the failed policies under the Biden administration that she was a part of, principally the failures at the border. She was appointed border czar and obviously has been missing in action ever since.

Indeed, Kamala seems to have interpreted her assignment to secure the southern border as an invitation to write a sociology paper on the root causes of illegal immigration, not to actually solve the problem.   In fact, upwards of 10 million illegals, including criminals, killers, terrorists and rapists of little girls flooded across the border while Kamala was reminding everyone that she is the Vice President of the United States.  Unfortunately, Harris was not put in that job so that she could glorify herself but to get things done.  If anything, her Vice Presidency was a bigger failure than her 2020 campaign in the Democrat Primaries.

Just as the DNC conducted a massive deception to con the American people about Joe Biden’s mental health for the past 4 years, they are beginning a new massive deception to con the American people for the next 4.  Since Harris lacks charisma or competence, the DNC will construct a new fable about her historic greatness.  However, the American people have now largely seen through the deception.  The humiliating collapse of the “best Biden ever,” “sharp as a tack,” possessed of better stamina than anybody, “absolutely” going to stay in the race, etc., cannot be unseen.

With the American people wise to the DNC proclivity for telling fairy tales, rather than solving problems, it is unlikely to work this time as it did in 2020.  It is a shame that the Democrats do not put as much energy into solving the problems of the American people as it does into orchestrating cover-ups to keep itself in money and power.  The DNC have forgotten that the job is about the American people, not themselves.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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