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Reuters refuses to broadcast Trump receiving blessing from black pastor [video]

The media is heavily biased against Republicans in-general and Trump specifically, but now, a Reuters cameraman puts a specific news organizations’ favoritism to the test.

Donald Trump attended services and gave a short speech at the Great Faith Ministries Church in Detroit on Saturday.

He was presented a bible and to the horror of Reuters producers, an african-american pastor gave Trump a prayer shawl and proceeded to bless him.

Trump gets prayer shawl and gets blessed

As the shawl was placed on Mr. Trump, the cameraman was told to turn away from the blessing. The cameraman responded “I’m not leaving. I’m shooting this, I don’t care what… I’ll take a demotion for this.” The cameraman’s refusal put the onus on the producer/director to make the call of whether to put Reuter’s bias on display or broadcast an event that would show Trump in a positive light.

Apparently the higher-ups weren’t going to risk their jobs for the sake of fair reporting the truth. The feed was cut…

Reuters was likely hoping to capture negative interactions between the black community and Trump thereby promulgating the false narrative that the Republican presidential candidate is a racist.

During the event, Trump received a standing ovation, bible, prayer shawl and a blessing – with heavy applause. Something Reuters just couldn’t be a part of.

Reuters shuts down coverage of Trump getting received favorably at black church

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. It’s a shame that Reuters chooses to sully it’s reputation and give it the old heave ho into the dumpster we go and mix with the other trash (MSNBC, CNN, NBC etc) Apparently they decided to just lay down and be another doormat. Integrity has left the building of journalism and taken intelligence with them A blind tadpole sees clearer than these ‘reporters”….as well as those that read and believe their tainted stories.

    I’m always somewhat amazed that those that ‘run scared’ are the first to disparage others or hide the ‘whole story’….The Democrats are experts at keeping the down trodden in the dark on anything that might expose the real truth about ‘free stuff’ and motivate them to rise up and actually earn their fair share.

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