Hillary Clinton’s schedule week of 9-19-16
As usual, this won’t take near as much time to present as Donald Trump’s schedule. Hillary has a single two events scheduled for the week: *updated to reflect the additional event*
- Monday, September 19th, 2016 – Philadelphia, PA – Temple University – Mitten Hall (200-300 person capacity) [Video]
- Hillary to hold (very) small event in Mitten Hall
- Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 – Orlando, FL – Frontline Outreach Childcare Center – 1:30pm start, doors open at Noon [Livestream]
- Hillary to hold an event (unknown if open to the public or not) – looks like a private thing by her website and the fact that the facility has a capacity of “155 children” and a hall that might hold 500-750 if packed in.
That’s it so far.
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