Donald Trump With Sean Hannity In Austin Texas Town Hall Meeting Part 1!!

Now Hilary has come out with her immigration policy posted on her website stating her position on immigration reform. The article said she aims to “treat every person with dignity, uphold the rule of law, protect our borders and national security, and bring millions of hardworking people into the formal economy.” Sound familiar?
Here is an interesting comment I recently saw:
SecedeNow • 13 hours ago“Many, but not all, unlawful immigrants committed criminal offenses.”If you’re an illegal alien, you’ve already committed a criminal offense, so yes, ALL of them committed criminal offenses. Beyond that, others drive illegally, work here illegally, receive benefits they are not permitted to have under law, and in some sanctuary cities they vote illegally (in violation of federal law and possibly state laws) for local political candidates. And all of that is before getting to the violent career criminals whom we can’t screen out if we’re letting everyone stampede across our borders!
In 2015 alone, over 30,000 illegal immigrants from “countries of terrorist concern” entered the United States through the southwestern border with Mexico, Department of Defense Southern Command (Southcom) spokeswoman Army Col. Lisa A. Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon on Monday.
She explained a new Southcom report found that Sunni extremists are infiltrating the United States with the help of alien smugglers in South America and are crossing the border with ease. Report: 30k Illegal Immigrants Came From Countries of Terrorist Concern | PJ M
On Tuesday night’s Sean Hannity’s show Sean was from a theater in Austin Texas with Donald Trump and the parents of children killed by illegals. Trump has met with these parents several times and promised to help them and do something about the border and all the illegals coming in here to keep our country safe. To hear these parents tell stories of losing a child to an illegal who laughs at them and who have been deported four and five times with arrests records and keep coming back is really sad and gut wrenching. There is nothing sadder and more traumatic than losing a child. Trump assured everyone that the wall will be built and the borders must remain strong. Trump is a man of his word with a big heart and not like the media tries to make him out to be.
During the show when Sean was interviewing Trump protestors shouted out “Black lives Matter” to which Sean shouted back from the stage, “All lives matter.” He went on interviewing Trump among the protests, but Trump told him to hold off until they quiet down. They were escorted out and in some cases they were escorted out by other audience members. I was proud to see Sean act that way as I’ve never seen a TV host react back that way before.
In an admission that may be somewhat surprising to some, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity during a recent town hall meeting that he would be happy to meet with the current president of Mexico.
According to ABC News, that remark came following a recent report that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto stated his desire to meet and work with the next president of the United States, no matter who it was.
“I’d meet with him,” Trump said. “Absolutely, I’d meet with him.”
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last week called for stepped up counterterrorism measures that he said would involve “extreme vetting” of immigrants in a bid to better screen out potential terrorists.
Trump also has made a campaign theme the construction of a wall across the United States’ southern border as part of efforts to better control the flood of illegal immigrants.
Trump repeated these efforts on Sean’s show. BREAKING: Trump Just Responded To Mexico’s President
At the beginning of the show Sean read some alarming statistics put out by the Immigration Policy Institute.
11 million illegals in here now are costing the taxpayer $113 billion a year.
$49.2 billion In education
$10.8 billion in medical care
$9.6 billion in general expenses
$8.7 billion in justice expenditures
&5.3 billion in welfare related costs.
The Immigration Policy Institute says that 820,000 are convicted criminals and in 2010 55,000 illegals are in federal prisons. 36% of all federal crimes are committed by illegals and people get upset when Trump says Mexico is not sending their best. As you can see the prisons are full of them. There are also 300 sanctuary cities that shelter these illegals.This has got to stop and why we need serious vetting as Trump says or else our country is lost.