Donald Trump speech on foreign policy 4-27-16 [Full Video]
Wednesday, April 27, 2016: LIVE Stream of Donald Trump’s speech on foreign policy at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC beginning at 12:00 PM EDT
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I think trump did a very good job states facts and things that need to be changed. I believe he will get America on the right track. Ted Cruz is a very much insider who is bought and paid for he is the Establishment. Trump knows how to get things done . Trump owes no one
Trump stated the obvious that anyone paying attention is already aware of. I won’t critique the speech but would like to point out that it appears that most describe what/who they oppose as THE ESTABLISHMENT…..apparently meaning our feckless elected legislators….If that’s the case…..WHY ARE THEY NOT ONLY ELECTED, BUT RE-ELECTED, RE-ELECTED, AND RE-ELECTED….???
Mistakes repeated will end with the same results
We keep demanding that ‘they’ act responsible……maybe, just maybe it starts with ‘we the people’
Cruz was vetted by the Tea Party (oridinary people) before he was a candidate for the Senate. He then promised a single thing…..stir up and expose the career politicians ….he kept that promise.
p.s. It was Trump that said HE had bought favors. If Trump ‘owes no one’ does that include us?