A Good Reason To Vote For Trump
Being from New York City, I have been a fan of Donald Trump since the 1980’s. Even though I was a fan of Mr. Trump, like many others I never thought he would get as far as he has, let alone being the front runner for so long. Love him or hate him, he is a force to be reckoned with.
We all know that government is useless, cannot get things done and wastes so much of our tax dollars. Well let me tell you one story about Mr. Trump.
I don’t know if any of you ever heard of the Wollman Ice Skating Rink in Central Park? The rink opened in 1949, by 1980 the rink, like much of New York City was so dilapidated it was unsafe and had to be closed. In steps the City to make the necessary repairs.
The rink was closed in 1980 and the City announced that it would take 2 1/2 years of renovations. Well come 1986 the rink was still not done and not only that, 13 million dollars had been wasted trying to finish the job. Enter Donald Trump who offered to finish the job. Then Mayor Koch objected to Trump’s proposal when Trump offered to pay for the renovations himself with the stipulation that he be allowed to run the venue and an adjacent restaurant and use the profits to recoup his costs. Public pressure prompted Mayor Koch to reverse his position. The rink reopened to the public on November 13, 1986, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and press conference attended by Koch and Trump, covered by national evening broadcast television news. Total cost of renovations by Mr. Trump was $2.25 million.
It took Donald Trump only 3 months and 2.25 million dollars, to do what the City couldn’t do in 6 years and 13 million dollars. There is no doubt that Mr. Trump is a no nonsense get it done type of guy. I am not saying that anyone should vote for Mr. Trump just because of this story, God knows this country has so many more issues that need to be addressed.
Love him or hate him, he knows how to get things done, whereas the people in Washington do not. I would put this story on the plus side for Mr. Trump.
If you are interested in how many more times Mr. Trump saved New York City read the story here.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.
This is one man’s opinion