
Trump fills another arena, media silent on rally numbers

Donald Trump hasn’t had any trouble filling arenas and halls across the nation, but while it was the story of the day early on, the media is eerily silent on candidates rally attendance numbers as of late.

Of course, social media has no problem making up for mass media’s miss:


Why the blackout on event draw? Hillary is holding her events in the back of Denny’s restaurants and Jeb! is failing to draw enough to fill a gymnasium. The top two establishment candidates are unpopular with their typical support base.

Trump continues to talk to sold-out events despite sabotage attempts by liberals:



How did their tactic work out? 15,000 people answer:

In contrast, here’s a fall rally in New Hampshire for Hillary:

And then Hillary made a stop in Nebraska where this news report informed us that she filled Sokol Auditorium to capacity. Well that’s pretty awesome sounding .. until you research it and find out that maximum capacity for that hall is a massive 1,500 people.

Or.. her appearance in Colorado in late November where she pulled in tons of supporters .. almost 1,000  of them according to this news story.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was in the Denver metro area on Tuesday, touting her experience with national security.

She spoke to nearly 1,000 supporters in at the Boulder Theater, saying she would keep the United States protected against terror while boosting up the middle class.

At a debate watching party, the numbers got worse – much worse:

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s rally in New York Saturday could only bring out six people, which included a staffer, to an Iowa watch party in the town of Marshalltown, CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny described. Clinton is expected in Iowa on Monday.

I am sure her staff will just tell voters that Hillary wants a more personal, intimate setting or some crap like that, but in reality, she doesn’t excite anyone.. at all and the media has no idea what to do about it.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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