48 Hours: What do we know now about Paris Terror 2015?
This has been the worst weekend for the western world since September 11th, 2001. 2 complete days after the cowardly ISIS attack against unarmed citizens, what do we now know?
At least 129 innocent, unarmed and easy-to-attack people were killed by the cowards of ISIS. With France’s draconian gun laws, these trained and armed militants chose targets that would allow someone with the IQ of a tennis shoe to succeed. Their targets would not be able to shoot back and, as evidenced in the Charlie Hebdo attack months ago, regular police are unable, under-equipped or unwilling to handle armed confrontation.
The loss of life and number of casualties is tragic, but it could have been much worse. One of the suicide bombers was discovered trying to enter the Stade de France where the Germany v. France soccer game was being played. Upon his suicide belt/vest being discovered by stadium security, the coward backed up and blew himself up.
Global sympathy has flooded towards France. The world is locked arm-in-arm with the victims’ families and French citizens – except .. those involved with the #blacklivesmatter movement. Whether they are upset that their news is being upstaged by global terror or that non-black folks are experiencing a travesty they are unable to comprehend, the largely irrelevant movement decided to berate the Paris tragedy.
Paris has decided to close all tourist landmarks “until further notice.” The Eiffel tower, Arch de Triumph and Luvre will remain closed until the terrorist threat is considered resolved.
France and America responded quickly, but in different ways to the ISIS attack. France bombed the crap out of ISIS positions while the U.S. sent ammo to rebels that would probably fight against ISIS .. maybe.
An 8th suspect, perhaps a woman, is the subject of an international manhunt.
Michigan and Germany have both made moves to limit Syrian/Muslim refugees entering their states/nations.
And those are the facts as they are known now, but this page will be updated as more is learned.
Maintaining the core involved during, relocate the weight back down by the
ground as well as repeat for 12-15 reps.