Club for Growth: ‘Trump is just playing us for chumps’ [video]
This ad by Club for Growth points out the glaring contradictions between Trumps stated ideology and that of his supporters – but it will likely fall on deaf ears.
Trump is riding a populist wave based on single sentence “first day” promises and the perception that he “tells it like it is” because he calls other politicians “stupid” and bashes his opponents relentlessly.
Ben Carson has pulled into a statistical dead-heat with the Donald, so we’ll see if the Trumpster’s playground strategy gets modified or continues to hurt him in tomorrow’s debate and coming weeks.
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Probably not a good idea for Trump not to have donated to this organization when he was asked. Sounds a little like embezzlement to me. More will be revealed I suppose.
Everyone has a purpose…..Trump has served his by giving millions a wake up call and an outlet to vent their frustrations in…..Once a purpose is finished, it’s time to move on with a more ‘pragmatic’ way of thinking……and exploring the credentials of others.
‘The Donald” is so UNsure of what he says he has to repeat it and uses the “I” word as much as the current occupant of OUR White House….He has boldly and unashamedly said ‘buying’ favor is A-ok. He has told and showed numerous flip flops and lack of allegiance to anyone except self.
We need to look for someone that will SERVE us, not someone with ADD and SELF-serving.
All need to encourage your choice of candidates to blow their own horn and drown out the Trumpet section of this band