Good News! Kanye West announces run for President
MTV aired the 2015 Video Music Awards (VMA) and in pure MTV reality TV style, it was full-up on crazy.
Why MTV hosts a music video show these days I will never understand. They haven’t showed a music video in … forever. But if tonight’s Video Music Awards were any indication, MTV has a lock on the full-on psycho reality television thing.
I have decided in 2020 to run for president
The VMAs had Miley Cyrus host and you know MTV was betting on a psychotic break from that former Disney princess. They did decide to implement a delay so that any Miley moments that weren’t fit for .. humanity could be blacked out.
While Miley did try to push the envelope with outfits like this one:
The real #WTF moment came from Kanye West.
Kanye was handed his award by Taylor Swift and those two have a history at this very award show. Kanye previously interrupted Swift with a rant after she had received an award that, one supposes, Mr. West felt was rightfully his. Tonight.. he just ranted .. all over the place (clean-up on isle Kanye please?)
“I don’t understand award shows! F—k that, bro” West ranted, obviously perturbed that MTV chose to re-air his rude upstaging of Swift six years ago.
Kanye then helps us understand why absolutely nothing he said on stage made any sense:
“Ya’ll might be wondering, ‘did he smoke something before he came out here?’ The answer is yes, I rolled up a little something. I [took] the edge off.”
“I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, bro. But all I can say to my fellow artists, is just worry about how you feel at the time.”
Kanye then tried to pull himself together. He new he still had a huge announcement to make and his constituency was likely losing interest in his odd speech.
“I’m confident. I believe in myself. We [are] the millennials, bro. This is a new mentality. We are not going to control our kids with brands. We are not going to teach low self-esteem and hate to our kids. We are going to teach our kids… to believe in themselves.”
And then it was time.. well.. actualy, 2019 would be a better time.. but for Kanye, this was the best time to make an historic announcement… or something.
“And yes, as you probably could have guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.”
Ignoring the wording issues (ok, not really, he meant, I have decided to run for president in 2020, but he rolled a little somethin’ before the show) Kanye is Kanye and fits right in with the Kardashian crowd. It’s just what MTV wanted so that future VMA shows will have an audience just waiting for someone to do something incredibly stupid.