The left’s honest outrage?
Looking at how the Left consistently calls out the Right about how it hates blacks and women and the LGBTQ community and how unacceptable it is that a baker won’t bake a cake for a same sex couple. How is it they never have a strong word about their own?
Take, for instance, something as heinous as Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts. The Left’s comments should at a minimum start with, “If that’s what is actually happening it’s disgusting and someone should be punished for it.” No, what they say instead is something akin to, “I can’t believe an organization would trip the Planned Parenthood employee in to telling them what’s really happening” or “We didn’t technically do anything illegal.” Oh, where to begin…
Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the “baby butcher” of Planned Parenthood, you know, the guy that “legally” kept baby parts in his office as “specimens,” life-sized trophies of the babies he killed. No outrage from the Left. Mainstream media wouldn’t even cover it until it looked like he was going to be found guilty.
How about those undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood employees suggesting underage girls come in for abortions? They were brought in by their “pimp” and advised, by Planned Parenthood, how to answer the questions to avoid suspicion or investigation. Oh, but the videographer trapped them, right? Because the employee would never have said that to anyone else. Sure!
And now the most recent videos expose Planned Parenthood selling baby parts, even discussing how they try not to crush the head because baby brains bring big bucks on the research market. Wait, I lied! Planned Parenthood cleared things up this week, right? They don’t sell body parts. That’s illegal! They charge for delivery, shipping and handling! (This is where you get to puke.)
Even the far-Left-protect-Dems-at-any-cost Kirsten Powers said this is just wrong on so many levels! So there has been a couple, and I do mean just a couple, who preface every comment with, “if the video is not edited then this LOOKS bad.” No! This IS bad!
Read more at OUTRAGE!