I am sick to death of the establishment GOP but the circus clown publicity hound billionaire named Donald Trump is not the answer to our woes. There is a man, John Albert Dummett Jr., who has been speaking out for 7 years about the usurper currently residing in the People’s House and treating it like his royal palace. The Trump uproar is refreshing to a point but he never does anything that doesn’t benefit him personally first. The current circus atmosphere has been carefully orchestrated for publicity and nothing more. Trump is another billionaire insider who I believe will do only what makes him and his fellow billionaires richer, and if it helps the nation as a whole that is okay with him. Trump has donated to and helped many democrats in the past. He says it is because he is a businessman and wants influence with whoever is in control. That is not the kind of person I want to see sitting in the oval office. People say that as a billionaire he can’t be “bought”. He may not be able to be “bought” but it is glaringly apparent that he believes he can buy others or buy what he wants and that is just as dangerous and frightening. We the People have tolerated way too much of that kind of attitude in politics and look where it has gotten us!!!!! Trump, in talking about the 2nd Amendment, also put me off when he said that before commenting a politician must say they support the 2nd Amendment, that it is obligatory. In others words, I support the 2nd Amendment BUT… and I cannot vote for that attitude.
John Dummett desires to restore the Constitution as the law of the land rather than the whims of 5 overly self absorbed judges being the “law of the land”. He supports the right of citizens to keep and bear arms with no qualifying “but” comments. John also believes that the Holy Bible holds the values needed to get our society back to the “shining city on a hill” status it once held. John is opposed to abortion, the murder of babies, and homosexual “rights” that have been invented, violating the limits on power in the Constitution, by satan’s minions of evil. We the People need, and deserve, a president who will uphold the Constitution in its entirety without any reservations or qualifiers. If our nation is to be restored to the status of a representative republic we need John Dummett in the oval office, not a democrat, an establishment republican, or a billionaire media clown. Let’s restore the class the office of President of the United States of America used to have and desperately needs again. John Dummett will do that if We the People will give him the opportunity to do so. It is up to us, do we want another George Washington or John F. Kennedy, or do we want another Barak Obama, Bill Clinton, or Jimmy Carter? Do we want a leader or another panderer like George W. Bush, who surrendered to liberal democrats hoping they would like him? I want another George Washington or John F. Kennedy, and John Albert Dummett Jr. will restore the honor, integrity, statesmanship, strength, and class the office should have.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
July 24, 2015
Bob, you introduced me to John Dummett in ’07. Then, as now, he has many of the personal traits that are desirable in a President. As you may recall, I was impressed and contacted him personally. I also felt that he grossly lacked any form of name recognition and suggested that he might consider running for local offices and inviting public attention through speaking engagements, columns etc. I expressed to him a direct offer of assistance and to help him ….. that was never acknowledged….. A lack of response can be experienced from most any of the ‘establishment’ officials…So I could only surmise that he really doesn’t see himself as viable.
It is ever so important that we elect someone that can serve ALL Americans and that means at times, our own personal beliefs as to the ideal candidate should be doesn’t reflect what the majority has in mind. and we must think of the Country as a whole. Opinions can differ, but that doesn’t make those that do wrong. We all want the same thing for our God given Country….and we are a ‘majority rules’ nation and cannot afford to hold out for the perfect one. Perfection is reserved for only the Man that walked on water.
Others may wonder at this comment and for them, I am remembering the passion and arguments that that Bob offered in ’07…..and he did quite a good job. It just didn’t change my mind….we both agree that Dummett is an outstanding patriot and person.