Americans Being Murdered: Politicians Do Nothing But Point Fingers
American citizens are being murdered by illegal alien invaders and all the NWO owned political elitists do is blame each other while none of them do anything to stop the carnage. How much longer are We the People going to tolerate the political ruling class ignoring crimes by illegal aliens while they spend their time trying to disarm citizens? Neither wing of the NWOSP has made any real effort to do more than blame the other wing and make excuses for their own culpability in the ongoing crime wave by people that should not be in this country. It should be painfully obvious to anyone with an IQ in positive numbers that fuehrer Obama, Congress, and the courts have absolutely NO intention of honoring their oaths of office to protect this nation and its legal, law abiding citizens. Instead of stopping the murders by illegal aliens, the fuehrer, everyone in the donkey wing, and some in the elephant wing are more interested in banning firearms citizens can use for defense against these foreign savages. They have no interest in doing their sworn duty. Instead, their solution is to make citizens even more defenseless against the criminals who are imported and supported by crooked and traitorous politicians and bureaucrats.
As I wrote a few days ago, it is time to abolish the sad thing we call the federal government and start over with patriots running things. We the People need to depose the current bunch of dictators and their thug bureaucrats, hang the whole bunch for treason, and find a new set of founding fathers to restore this nation as a representative republic based on the same Judeo-Christian standards as the original founders established. There are people ready, willing, and able to govern as honorable citizens but can’t get close to being elected because the NWO cabal of satanic globalist billionaires controls the entire process through corrupt “political parties” staffed by people who have sold their souls to Satan/Soros to attain whatever amount of power and wealth they can attain, and their allies in a media that is also controlled by the satanic billionaire globalist cabal.
Immorality rules alongside the corruption as people who desire to live as God has commanded are attacked by a Gestapo of immoral people and their corrupt and equally immoral enablers in the media as well as the political and legal branches of despotism that pass as government. God and our founders never intended for this nation to become the cesspool of corruption, immorality, and despotism that it has become and it is time that Godly people step up and take our nation back for righteousness and God.
If We the People will turn to God as stated in the Bible (2 Chron 7:14) He will hear our prayers and deliver us from the debauchery and tyranny that currently rules this nation. The education system has been taken over by evil people, atheists and secular humanists, who are indoctrinating generations of citizens into a satanic cult of sin and secular humanism that denies the existence of God and His guiding rules for salvation through Jesus Christ. The secular humanists are trying to stamp out Christianity and install the satanic cult of murder called islam. Any symbol of the Christian faith is not allowed anywhere in pubic because of a perversion of the “separation of church and state” comment in a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury, Conn. Baptist Assoc. in 1802. Jefferson was saying the government had no say in church affairs but the secular humanist judges have turned the words around to say churches cannot be involved in public. That is an absolute perversion of the intent of the letter but the Godless ones don’t care because the only thing that matters to them is stamping God and His people out. While doing this they pat themselves on the back for their “diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance, and progressive enlightenment”.
Too many pastors and their congregations submit to this tyranny out of fear rather than trust God to take care of them. the tax exempt status means more to them than their responsibilities under God. That is sad but true. Islam is not attacked despite, or because of, the radical teachings that call for the murder of dissenters.
Pornography is upheld by judges as “free speech” while the Word of God is ridiculed as “hate speech” and treated as such by courts. Islam calls for death to homosexuals and moslems actually kill them yet are called “tolerant” and “peaceful” by the secular humanists while at the same time Christians are castigated for “hate speech” and they say we are “intolerant, hateful bigots” merely because Christians refuse to celebrate the sin of homosexuality that God calls an abomination. No Christian has killed a homosexual to my knowledge. The biggest case they tried to lay in the laps of Christians was Matthew Shepherd and it turned out he was murdered by other homosexuals over a drug deal that went bad. The homosexual Gestapo, as is usually the case with libtards, didn’t let facts deter their attacks on Christians.
Is there still hope for this nation that was once called “a shining city on a hill”? I say yes but it will take prayer, repentance, and brave action by people who are willing to pledge their “lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor with a firm reliance on divine providence”. I have no fortune but do pledge my life, my sacred honor, and the oath I took when enlisting in the U S Army on Dec. 11, 1968 “with a firm reliance on divine providence” to protect and defend the Constitution of the united states of America to the best of my ability.
I am very limited physically by a severe stroke suffered on August 19, 2014 but will do what I can to restore the republic established by the 13 original colonies. I will not comply with tyranny and will sacrifice whatever is necessary within my means to see liberty restored and God again honored in the land of the free and the home of the brave. God Bless America!!!!!
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor his work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
July 8, 2015