Obama, Community Equality Breeds Laziness!
Mr. Obama is at it again trying to regulate another part of our lives that makes us uniquely American.
Americans understand freedom, the ability to work harder, do better, move up… and out! We work harder at work to get a better position, make more money, have more security, and more opportunities.
Americans move to communities that reflect their values, have better schools, less density, more density, more pubs, less pubs, more shopping and restaurants, or less shopping and restaurants. We move to certain areas to better our lives or our children’s lives.
Enter his Social Highness Mr. Obama, who has decided that we (Americans) don’t really understand equality. He thinks we don’t understand how to help our neighbors (or others) so he is going to mandate it. As usual, he thinks by forcing his view of “equality” on us it will make everything perfect (how did that work out for you Mr. Obama in the Middle East?)
The president is having HUD (the Department of Housing and Urban Development,) those same wonderful people who gave you “the projects,” “ghettos,” and “Section 8 housing” look at the inequities in various neighborhoods… neighborhoods that are mostly white, mostly black, mostly rich, mostly poor, and basically not diverse enough. Why? To implement forced equality.
President Obama wants to use billions of dollars in HUD grants as a carrot to cities to mix up the neighborhoods a bit more. You know, make adjustments in building codes and such to bring in more “diversity.” If you don’t, well then, your grant money just might disappear. I say we start in Beverly Hills, Brentwood, and Upper Manhattan. He and HUD are going to dictate how a neighborhood should look or else!
Here’s the deal… Mr. Obama will take away any and all incentives to better ones self. Why bother? Just let the government do it.
You don’t want to work harder to make more money? No problem! The government will force a living wage on employers. Don’t move up, the government will help.
Don’t look for a job that offers benefits. The government will help by forcing benefits on you and the American populous to pay for them. Take it easy… they got you covered!
Didn’t take advantage of government-issued birth control? No problem! The government’s got you covered with a government paid for abortion at a clinic near you. And if you just happen to be underage, no big deal. Your parents need not know.
Food stamps and welfare are just a form away! Fill it in and even you can get an EBT card. What’s that?! You have no ID? No problem! Just tell them how hard it was for you to get over the border at night and you’ll be quickly added to the welfare rolls.
If you’re one of those who just can’t seem to figure out how to move up and get yourself out of your neighborhood (let’s say, like Detroit) just sit tight. Obama and HUD are hatching up a plan to get you out.
The president feels that it’s unfair for people who might be sacrificing by working multiple jobs (rather than indulging in activities that blow their hard-earned cash) so they can move out of bad areas and into good areas should not be allowed to be the only ones who benefit. He thinks that if an area has been built up and has many “well-off” white folks that it’s just not right or fair. Blacks and other minorities should have the ability to move to those communities also.
Last I checked Mr. Prez they do! (Who’s stopping them?) Get another job, work hard, do better, and you can move to a better neighborhood. It’s how America works.
When I grew up in the North End of Boston it was
Read more at: LAZY