People of Honor and Integrity Need Not Apply!
It seems like the more I do stories about our institutions of higher learning, the more I come to the conclusion that there are no real standards for those teaching our young people. You may need a degree in order to teach, but that’s about all. Honor and integrity are no longer required.
Once again, my home state of Massachusetts shows that no matter how bad one’s character is, as long as they have a degree and are flaming liberals, they’re in! Boston University first realized they had an issue with incoming BU sociology professor Saida Grundy when a Tweet she sent out was brought to the administration’s attention: “white male college students are a “problem population”” and “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.” She is a black college professor, not that that should matter. As a professor, she is supposed to have open dialogue with her students. Can you imagine if a white college professor Tweeted ”black male college students are a problem population and their entitlement mindset is a MAJOR problem for American colleges?” They’d be fired before the moving truck got there!
Well, OK. So we are a little sensitive about the color thing. She got a little heated, we can just overlook her one indiscretion, right? But it wasn’t one or two or even three. And let’s not stop at four, but six… that we know of! You see, Professor Grundy thinks (like Hillary) that rules, guidelines, and basically good behavior do not apply to her.
The professor decided to mercilessly ridicule a white rape victim on social media with the following;
“^^THIS IS THE S**T I AM TALKING ABOUT. WHY DO YOU GET TO PLAY THE VICTIM EVERY TIME PEOPLE OF COLOR AND OUR ALLIES WANT TO POINT OUT RACISM. my CLAWS?? Do you see how you just took an issue that WASNT about you, MADE it about you, and NOW want to play the victim when I take the time to explain to you some s**t that is literally $82,000 below my pay grade? And then you promote your #whitegirltears like that’s some badge you get to wear… YOU BENEFIT FROM RACISM. WE’RE EXPLAINING THAT TO YOU and you’re vilifying my act of intellectual altruism by saying i stuck my “claws” into you?”
HELLO! The woman was raped as a child. And when the rape victim under attack tried to bow out gracefully, the professor tried to pull her back in with more nasty comments. Since the professor makes $82 thousand and is above the raped woman’s pay grade, shouldn’t she have taken the high road? She could have taken her educated backside out of the conversation and drop it. Is this really someone we want teaching our young people? Maybe someone with a little empathy or compassion?
Read more at HONOR
Grundy has ‘professed’ & acclaimed her expertise in sociology, which is at best, a gathering of trends both and present. OK, I’ll give her that….I will with disapproval, accept the method & material she uses in the classroom…WHAT I DO NOT accept and where outrage starts, is her denial of ‘free speech’ and open dialogue with students. They will constitute her future as well as mine.
This behavior seems to exhibit a feeling of inferiority and perhaps even loathing of events in her life…..whatever….it’s true….”There’s no cure for stupid.”…..and I’m fed up with stupid cluttering ‘my’ space