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Liberal-Progressive Policies Equal Devastation


If anyone wants to see how destructive Liberal policies are, they only have to look at the worst cities in the country. As if we didn’t learn anything from the collapse of Detroit, a once thriving city where the birth of the automobile industry began, but after decades of Liberal Democratic leadership has become a waste land.

What about the other cities, not only Detroit, but also Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Washington, DC, among other cities have all become riddled with crime and poverty. All these cities have one thing in common; they have been run for decades by the Liberal Progressives.

Now we see Baltimore, a once vibrant city also run by Liberal Progressives for decades. On MSNBC, Michael Eric Dyson said, “Society refuses to help [young blacks] in a serious fashion,” Is this guy kidding or what, we have spent trillions of dollars since the 1960s trying to help, but Liberal Progressives seem to be blind to that fact, all they seem to cry for is more money.

Instead of looking into the heart of the problem, black leaders seem to be content making excuses for the rioters. The mayor of Baltimore walked back calling the rioters’ thugs, as well as many other black leaders did as well. Making excuses and not prosecuting these thugs will only ensure one thing, more violence.

Matthew Hennessey of the City Journal said; “Who owns Baltimore’s rage? Some facts: Every member of the Baltimore City Council is a Democrat. Every mayor since 1967 has been a Democrat. Such political homogeneity invites corruption. If some element of the city’s police department is brutal and corrupt, it’s because no one in Baltimore has lifted a finger to stop them.”

Over the past couple of years the one thing that these black men who were shot by cops all have in common, they were all criminals, but they seem to be glorified instead of calling them what the really are, a menace to a civilized society. More money is never the answer despite what those Liberal Progressives say.

U.S. Army lieutenant colonel Allen West said it best:


“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.

This is one man’s opinion.

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