How to Critically Think About Jade Helm 2015
Jade Helm is a military exercise intended to give America’s special forces some training in realistic, non-military environments. The “laser-like” focus on these exercises is likely keeping Americans from paying attention to more important events.
What is easy to understand is that our troops would NEVER turn on Americans – because they ARE Americans. They would suffer many things rather than intern, capture or detain fellow Americans. If whomever were to attempt a coup, it would be stopped by the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines of the United States military. *Salute*
The real threat comes from a national, heavily-militarized police force. Our boys in camo are the only realistic defense against heavy-handed national police actions. Perhaps that’s why everyone is seeking to put our military under suspicion – to make sure Americans are suspicious of our armed forces which would leave them with no effective manner in which to deal with national police helicopter gunships and armored vehicles.
The national police are not your local men and women in blue – the nationals are better funded, better armed and more loyal to the bureaucracies that pay them – the ATF, FBI, IRS, BLM, etc…
The angst against our military is unwarranted, sad and wrong. Whether you are worried about the training exercise or not, our military members would desert/mutiny rather than follow an order from Obama to attack the citizenry – have more pride in our service members than the liberals who spit on them.
Texas is the state the Jade Helm planners chose as a major action point. Not only that, but they even focused on the home of the Texas A&M Aggies. Texas A&M is just a hair under Annapolis or West Point if you’re looking to go career military.
Jade Helm is not the issue, but it might be the diversion.
Consider the rise in civil disturbances, union riots and worker walk-outs. Question the economic news being revised constantly by the powers-that-be.
Question the speed at which Al Sharpton showed up to quiet and handle the troubled Baltimore mayor.
Ask yourself why people who were protesting in Baltimore needed to be paid, who they were paid by and even worse, why they argued over how much they should get (see: #cutthecheck)
Apply critical thinking to the FIVE wal-marts that closed down on the same day for “plumbing issues.” None of them seem to be being repaired and wal-mart has been elusive when questioned.
Americans should question Obama’s executive order to DE-militarize the police. The action isn’t wrong, but the motive is odd and/or condusing.
Critical thinking is important.
Critical thinking keys – no answers, but readers should consider these questions to discern truth:
- Who has something to gain by Americans questioning their military members?
- Why would Wal-mart suddenly, without notice, close 5 stores in 4 states and blame them all on something easy to fix like “plumbing” – again, who has something to gain?
- Why are Wal-mart stores being fortified with CONEX (shipping container) boxes?
- Why is the government shoving Jade Helm in your face?
And a final thought: When the government makes a thing obvious, look elsewhere “All warfare is based on deception.” – Sun Tzu
If I’m going to have surgery I certainly would choose an experience, well trained surgeon over a new med school grad with just ‘book know’
Deception ? Distraction ? Neither is new to this administration.
no CONEX containers by one closed here….these crates are also used as storage of excess merchandise for various stores. While remodeling Wal Mart closest to us they were used for stock storage.
And I’m guessing no parking lot full of military vehicles, rocket launchers or whatever else is being thrown around?
Nah, not yet…although I did spot a pop tart in sorta in the shape of a gun next to the car…..The increased revenue is considerable for the merchants and additional sales tax is a huge boost for Big Spring that will trickle our way. Of course not everyone is happy, but even Texas has its share of malcontents.and DA’s…….The biggest downside, to me, is that all of this activity at this time of year will upset the deer population and put it on “The List” with the lizard as endangered….
Our Military is pretty awesome. If they are willing to lay it all on the line for me & our country, surely they deserve the best training possible. I’ve had the opportunity to witness smaller scaled exercises and it is a feeling like no other.
I’m more concerned (worried) about the import of ‘refugees’ by this Administration (paid for by us) , and the criminal trespassers on our Borders than Jade Helm….”Therein lies the danger”