They can only win by lying!
It seems like the party of “the people” can only win by lying to “the people”.
Senator Harry Reid admitted this week that he lied to help Mr. Obama win. He, at this point, is the most honorable man in the Democrat party.
You see he is the ONLY Democrat to really come out after being caught and basically say… yup, I did it and I got what I wanted, so sue me. He knew the information on Obama’s opponent, Mitt Romney was false. There was no “insider” at Romney’s company. But he, and the rest of the Dems, were OK with lying about it.
The Democrats should change the name of the party to the “Whatever it takes to win” party. Tell the people whatever it takes to get them “in bed” with you and then you can say “I didn’t mean it that way.”
The now ever-famous and haunting words, “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” was clearly a LIE! “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” also a LIE. Then he tried to “clarify” with “What I meant was, if it fit our parameters,” yet another LIE!
I think when the NEW edition of “The Book of Lies” gets published the first group of pages will be all Democrats, and mostly Mr. Oblamo! It will be followed closely behind by Billy “where’s the free sex island” Clinton, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” and “it depends of what the meaning of is, is.” Not far behind is the oh-so-loving spouse, Hillary “what difference does it make” Clinton.
If a Republican did one-tenth of what the Clintons have done to the public there would be rioting in the streets, courtesy of the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson.
Recently, Representative Gutierrez from Illinois said, “If the Republicans got in the way of the amnesty order there would be militant action from the immigrants.” WHAT?!
Hey, Mr. Gutierrez, did you just threaten American representatives and citizens with militant action from NON-American citizens? Did you just sanction an act of violence to perpetuate the breaking of laws? Aren’t you a lawmaker, sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution? Isn’t this a form of treason?
A bunch of Democrats screamed “discrimination” about Indiana’s new law protecting peoples’ religious beliefs and the practice thereof. Interestingly enough, it’s the same reason the original settlers came here… to get away from religious persecution. This group of Dems said no one should patronize, support, or take part in any event or action to support Indiana. Curious! Some of these same Dems made a trip to Cuba to support the illegal actions of President Obama. In case you haven’t figured it out, Mr. Obama and clan believe the Constitution and the laws of this country don’t apply to them. They let the Castro Crew know they are in support of Cuba normalizing relations with America. Well, if the Dems hold true to their belief system then will that would only occur AFTER the Castro regime changes its laws and treatment of homosexuals, right? And after they change their laws on treatment of political prisoners.
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