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Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR
‘The President’ is to serve ALL of the people, to include those outside of his Party with EQUAL consideration in his decision making…..Can he do this?…..I certainly believed this when I had the opportunity to work as a fringe staffer on his campaign for Texas Senator and (basically,) still do….While he has been a much needed ‘bee in the bonnet’ of some career good old boys, our Country needs a very special person to lead the healing process. This is a herculean task like we’ve never seen. …..We must be very pragmatic and ask questions and more questions. Failure in this election is not an option.
Both Ted and Obama are Harvard Law graduates, both are eloquent speakers that mesmerize. The difference is that Ted Cruz doesn’t lie….and his love of God and Country is very real…As is Heidi’s (wife) She is bright, accomplished and a gracious lady.
Being President means delegating authority and selecting ‘qualified’ people to serve in areas where his/her may not be an expert in such as defense or foreign affairs….Can he do this?
Will his sometime bombastic, sometimes caustic manner be effective in dealing with other nations?
I love this man, he has put the ring on my finger….but,..we aren’t married….yet. This is much too important a step not to ask more questions.
We are a nation may be like hungry baby birds in a nest, eager and desperate for even a crumb. Let’s pause long enough to make sure that the ‘right’ candidate has it.
‘The President’ is to serve ALL of the people, to include those outside of his Party with EQUAL consideration in his decision making…..Can he do this?…..I certainly believed this when I had the opportunity to work as a fringe staffer on his campaign for Texas Senator and (basically,) still do….While he has been a much needed ‘bee in the bonnet’ of some career good old boys, our Country needs a very special person to lead the healing process. This is a herculean task like we’ve never seen. …..We must be very pragmatic and ask questions and more questions. Failure in this election is not an option.
Both Ted and Obama are Harvard Law graduates, both are eloquent speakers that mesmerize. The difference is that Ted Cruz doesn’t lie….and his love of God and Country is very real…As is Heidi’s (wife) She is bright, accomplished and a gracious lady.
Being President means delegating authority and selecting ‘qualified’ people to serve in areas where his/her may not be an expert in such as defense or foreign affairs….Can he do this?
Will his sometime bombastic, sometimes caustic manner be effective in dealing with other nations?
I love this man, he has put the ring on my finger….but,..we aren’t married….yet. This is much too important a step not to ask more questions.
We are a nation may be like hungry baby birds in a nest, eager and desperate for even a crumb. Let’s pause long enough to make sure that the ‘right’ candidate has it.