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Defending Marriage

“Even though the Supreme Court made clear in United States v. Windsor that the federal government should defer to state ‘choices about who may be married,’ the Obama Administration has disregarded state marriage laws enacted by democratically-elected legislatures to uphold traditional marriage.”

“I support traditional marriage and we should reject attempts by the Obama Administration to force same-sex marriage on all 50 states. The State Marriage Defense Act helps safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for their citizens.”

These statements were made by Republican Ted Cruz of Texas, along with a handful of other Senators they plan to introduce a bill allowing states to decide on the definition of marriage. Ben Carson has said, “The issue of marriage, an institution that has been so clearly defined and guarded by this nation for centuries should be decided upon by the state court as it pertains to that particular state’s residents.”

I have said many times, people just do not understand the ramifications of what will happen if same-sex marriage is to be. Once you alter the definition of marriage, and you institute marriage equality, it opens the door for marriage to be between what ever and who ever. It’s starting already, a teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years, marriage equality right?

“Everyone on my mom’s side of the family sees us as father and daughter, those who know that he’s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father’s parents they can see we are happy together and they can’t wait for us to have babies, they treat us just like any other couple, the woman we live with, and my best friend.” I’m sorry, these people are sick, mentally.

This is only the beginning, if the Supreme Court upholds same sex marriage under the guise of marriage equality, next will come group marriages. Three wives for one husband or three husbands for one wife, and don’t think there aren’t nuts out there that would stand in line for a marriage license for their dog or horse. We are already seeing father and daughter, next will be mother and son, brother and sister and who knows what else after that.

Last year in New York the state’s highest court allowed the marriage between an uncle and niece. Once marriage acquires the status as a “right,” which it has never been, then any law that affects that right negatively becomes virtually impossible to defend. In other words, anything goes, having sex with a cow or a turtle is perfectly fine, marrying a ground hog or bullfrog is a right. This law has nothing to do with equality, but it strikes not only at the building block of civil society, the family, but at the authority of the state to regulate marriage, which it always had. Our Founding Fathers set this country up so that the states have the rights, not the Federal Government.

It seems to me that we already have a society that is crumbling; our values and morality are already shot. For those who think that marriage equality is only about homosexuals being able to marry, think again.

“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.


This is one man’s opinion.

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One Comment

  1. “Breaking Laws” must really be in vogue to trump even G-d’s law ! Axelrod has a new book that impressed me so much I don’t remember the title, but an excerpt is he admitted that it was him that told Obama to take a stand against same sex marriage and BO was hesitant (U ready for this? ) He hesitated because Bull Sh……g is hard for him to do…….
    Given the chance, this Administration would put ‘family values’ and morality on the extinct list. With the break up and make up of households the ties of a ‘family unit’ are frayed and giving little for children to hold onto. Apron strings are a rarity.
    Before I put my soapbox away, I do believe that this is a personal choice, that does not mean that laws should change to cater to it…..If I’m wrong then I choose chocolate ice cream and want all other flavors outlawed.

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