That Wasn’t A Blitz,That Was A Blountz :D
Hey Congress, You voted for Obamcare,
Now we’re voting you out of there,
We the people have awakened to your tricks,
You voted to let this pass,
Now you’re going to be out on your _ _ _(horn sound rhymes with pass)-___
Ray Stevens, “We the People.” (see link below for this great video by Ray) 😀
In a crushing defeat to democrats, republicans took control of both houses since five years ago and the biggest defeat in 65 years thanks to we the people. Now is not the time to get compliant and celebrate too long and get down to business. They have to be strong, competent and confrontational and show leadership and not this cow towing, compromise and ‘try to be nice so they like us’ crap. They have to come up with a definite plan and stick to it. That plan should include repealing “every word of Obamcare” as Ted Cruz says and securing our borders and fixing the economy.
Obama has run out of people to blame for his incompetence. They’re all under the Obama bus. Let’s hope the GOP actually does something good for the Country! Otherwise, the reverse will happen next election. Joe Biden said if the republicans took over the dems would compromise with them. I really doubt that is going to happen since they haven’t compromised with the house in five years now.
Obama is seething now and will pull all the stops out to complete his radical agenda of transforming America into a third world country equal to all the other countries in the world. He said he’ll use his pen and phone and rule by executive orders, but the republicans must stop him at every chance to save our beloved country from this fake presidential traitor with fake credentials.
If I were an illegalI I’d be royally teed off at Obama. First he promised them amnesty,then he put it off until right after the elections now he says not until Christmas. The same with healthcare, normally healthcare companies announce their rates by mid October, but Obama put a halt on that until after the elections so as not to hurt his democrats, but it didn’t help them and now when people see their rates go sky high they will be hitting the roof.
In an article appearing on CNN: “ A Republican tide ripped the Senate away from Democrats Tuesday, giving the GOP full control of Congress and the power to pin down President Barack Obama during his last two years in office.
The thumping win upends the balance of power between the White House and Capitol Hill only six years after Obama’s Democrats swept to power and marginalized Republicans in a rush to reform health care, Wall Street and pass a huge stimulus package.
Now, it’s Democrats who will take the back seat on Capitol Hill, relying mostly on the power of the filibuster to stymie Republicans and keep Obama’s legacy i
“For too long, this administration has tried to tell the American people what is good for them and then blame somebody else when their policies didn’t work out,” Mitch McConnell, who is expected to become the next Senate majority leader, said in a victory speech.
In the House, CNN projected the GOP will have at least 246 seats, its largest majority since World War II. Speaker John Boehner, celebrating a widened majority, said he is “humbled by the responsibility the American people have placed with us.”
“But this is not a time for celebration,” he said. “It’s time for government to start getting results and implementing solutions to the challenges facing our country, starting with our still-struggling economy.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has controlled the Senate since 2007, congratulated Republicans on their victory.
“The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together,” Reid said. “I look forward to working with Senator McConnell to get things done for the middle class.”
Yeah,We’ll see Harry, we’ll see.
Democrats weakest since 1920s…
HURT: America faces most dangerous two years…
Obama sued for changing Obamacare ..