Random Thoughts On Robert O’Neill, New Obamacare Revelations and Brain Implants


Rob O'Neill F

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Recently former Navy Seal Robert O’Neill, the man who shot and killed Osama Bin Laden appeared in a two part special on Fox News telling in detail of the experience. Many of O’Neill’s former seals who were with him were against him going public like this and I can’t blame them. The seals are a highly trained, secretive, specialized and elite force that keeps us safe. O’Neill told how they are trained and gave graphic detail explanations of how they trained for the mission and how they performed it and how he shot three shots in Bin Laden’s face. By doing this our enemies now know all about the seals now and how they operate.  No wonder his fellow seals are angry with him.

O’Neill has now painted a big target on his back and on that of his family and town. Terrorists now know where he lives and places he hangs out and who his family are and the danger is further enhanced  by these lone wolf attacks we are experiencing now.  I hope not for his sake as this is a very brave and great man who with his other seal team members  put their lives on the line and did what was right and wiped the evil of Osama Bin Laden off the face of the earth,but I can’t help but feel there are some terrorists out there who want to get this  brave man and avenge their leader.The media is further exploiting him by having him appear in person on various shows.

O’Neill said he went public to give closure to the 9/11 families which he spoke before, but all the papers and media reported this when it happened and the movie Zero Dark Thirty depicted  how the raid went  down so in all due respects to the 9/11 families who my heart goes out to how much more closure do they need?……….

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has called the American people stupid to Obamacare saying if they only knew what ‘s in it.  Remember when Nancy Pelosi stupidly said, “We have to pass it to know what’s in it?” Well here are a few things explained that are in it that should make you all mad as hell and demand they get rid of it. Obama said he will veto any repeal of Obamacare,but the new republican congress should use the power of the purse and defund it.

Here are three crucial changes that the president clearly didn’t want you to know about:

 According to the Congressional Budget Office, the latest projections for the net cost of ObamaCare over the next ten years are just over $1.4 trillion. Whereas President Obama promised in 2009 that it wouldcost less than $1 trillion over ten years. In order to partially pay for this, ObamaCare has added more than 20 new taxes totaling over $500 billion.

  1. BUREAUCRACY.Speaking of Orwellian politics, ObamaCare includes159 new boards and agencies to restrict and govern your health care choices. (These are the death panels Sarah Palin spoke about and will come under the Independent Advisory  Board)3. STILL MORE BUREAUCRACY. Dysfunctional state exchanges with high deductible policies, narrow doctor networks, including federally-run exchanges in 36 states which may not be allowable under the law (SCOTUS currently considering this case).

Here are three new things coming up in 2015 that you aren’t going to like:

In 2014, people are facing a penalty of $95 per person or 1% of income. 

In 2015, the penalty will more than triple to $325 per person or 2% of income, whichever is higher. 

If an American failed to get coverage this year, the penalty will be taken out of their tax refund in early 2015.

2. SERIOUS RATE HIKES FOR CHEAPER OBAMACARE PLANS. According to Investor’s Business Daily, the lowest cost bronze plan will increase an average of 7 % in many cases, the lowest cost silver plan by 9%, and the lowest priced catastrophic policy will climb 18 percent on average. Double digit rate hikes are anticipated in several southern and Midwestern states including Kansas, Iowa, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Iowa, and Virginia.

Subsidies will continue to be a huge part of the program. In 2014, subsidies provided ¾ of the premiums for the federally-run exchanges.

3. EMPLOYER MANDATE WILL TAKE EFFECT. After being delayed for a year, large businesses (100 or more employees in 2015, 50 or more in 2016) will be required to offer affordable (and subsidized) health plans to at least 70 percent of their full time employees or face a $2,000-$3,000 penalty per employee) REMEMBER  OBAMCARE IS NOT ABOUT HEALTHCARE, IT’S ABOUT CONTROL ……..

Would you be willing to have a computer chip placed in your brain to give you closer and unlimited and very personal use of the internet? Would you want the government controlling and recording your thoughts? Well according to a survey by tech giant Cisco Systems, about a fourth of professionals ages 18 to 50 would leap at the chance to get a surgical brain implant that allowed them to instantly link their thoughts to the Internet. No wonder people like Obama get in office. I guess these people want to be automatons. George Orwell (1984)  and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) must be smiling somewhere and saying a big “I told you so.”

The styudy was conducted on 3,700 adults working in white-collar jobs in 15 countries.

“Assuming a company invented a brain implant that made the World Wide Web instantly accessible to their thoughts, roughly one-quarter would move forward with the operation,” the study found.

Generation Y professionals, those born in the 1980s through 2000, were only slightly more apt to say they would get the surgery, at 26 percent, versus 21 percent of Gen Xers or those born from the early 1960s through the early 1980s.

Check out these few  comments from people:

Craig Gorsuch • 18 hours ago

And people freak out about the NSA spying on our computers & email… With WiFi chips in our brains, our minds could be hacked and we would then be persecuted for thought crimes.

Nam1 • 2 hours ago

With the touch of the screen, click of the mouse, they will control your vote… Ya, go right ahead people and give your free will away.

Lance Steele • 13 hours ago

Won’t it be difficult for those folks to have the necessary circuitry installed when their heads are so far up their rectums

KDS • 15 hours ago

Gee Odumbo will be able to control you from the Oval Orifice!

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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