Obama: Just A Footnote In History
On a recent interview on Face The Nation, Obama said “There are times, there’s no doubt about it, where, you know I think we have not been successful in going out there and letting people know what it is that we’re trying to do and why this is the right direction.” Really Obama, really, after six years you are trying to tell us that your policies have not worked because you and your fellow Democrats did a poor selling job?
Well, I have news for Obama, It’s not his poor selling job that has turned America against his policies, it’s because they are failed policies. The truth be known, that after six years of trying to shove every Liberal idea down America’s throat, America is finally saying enough. America has seen Liberalism up close and they do not like what they see, after six years all of his lies and deceit are bubbling up to the surface, which just proves, you cannot build on a foundation of lies.
With the video of Obama-Care architect Jonathan Gruber out there for all Americans to see, the rest of America now knows what many of us have known from the beginning, that Obama-Care was nothing but a scam, just a big transfer of wealth scam to satisfy his Socialist agenda. Gruber said, “They proposed it and that passed, because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.” This is what the Democratic Party really thinks of the American people, in one way I have to agree with Gruber, a people that votes twice to elect Obama must be stupid, although I must give them a little bit of a pass, because after all, they cast their vote for lies, not for truth.
The Democratic-Liberal-Progressive agenda is clear, lie to the American people and let big government run their lives, because after all, the American people are too stupid to know what is good for them. I believe we are now 70% Capitalist and 30% Socialist, Obama is trying as hard as he can to make this country 70% Socialist and many people are going along for the ride, not knowing what is in store for them at the end of the ride.
Obama also said, “I think that what you’ll see is a constant effort to improve the way we deliver service to customers…experimenting with ways that I can reach out to Republicans more effectively. Making sure that we’re reaching out and using the private sector more effectively.”
Obama has never offered as much as a finger to the Republicans, let’s face it, he does not want their in-put on anything, he truly believes that he is King of the United States, instead of president. Obama’s only legacy will be that he was the first black president, that is how he will be remembered, Obama-Care will crumble before it can be repealed, once that goes there is nothing else left.
Obama is a president that history will want to forget, a president that did nothing to improve America, but only weakened us at home and in the eyes of the world. Obama’s legacy will become nothing more than a footnote in the history books.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.
This is one man’s opinion.