Companies Getting Sued for Complying with Obamacare
The Obama administration has filed lawsuits against several companies for complying with the wellness provisions in Obamacare.
Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed suit against Honeywell International and two smaller companies for offering rewards to employees for taking part in wellness activities and penalizing those who don’t
The law suit stems from the 1990 Employees with Disabilities Act that prohibits employers from penalizing employees for failing to participate in medical tests such as cholesterol screening or blood pressure tests unless the test is directly related to the performance of the employees Job.
The conflict is clear – either employers are allowed to make wellness programs a requirement to avoid penalties or they aren’t.
If employers cannot use wellness programs as carrots and sticks, they struggle to satisfy a provision in Obamacare detailing the rewards and punishments.
Companies rely on these programs to contain skyrocketing medical costs and if they cannot control those expenses, they will find other ways to limit their liability.
CEO’s may choose to give their employees money so that they can buy a plan on the public exchanges which would limit the corporation’s liability to the funds supplied to the employee. Wellness then becomes no concern of the employer and more of a concern for the tax payer,
Company leaders could decide to end their four-year long support for Obamacare and start speaking publicly about it’s downfalls. Something the Obama administration would prefer to avoid.
The unintended consequences of government overreach continue to get heaped upon the American economy, American companies, and American families.
Is the Obama Administration stumbling over its own two left feet or is this yet another veiled mothod of driving the American middle Class into the ground?!