You Can’t Teach An Old Liberal New Tricks
I just don’t get it, after all the failed policies of the Obama administration, after all the bashing corporations for making a profit, Liberals still think that big government is the answer. At a Democratic rally in Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton attempted to attack “trickle-down economics.” Clinton defended raising the minimum wage saying “Don’t let anybody tell you that raising the minimum wage will kill jobs, they always say that.” She went on to state that businesses and corporations are not the job creators of America. “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” the former Secretary of State said.
Time and time again it has been proven that raising the minimum wage will hurt job creation. When you hit the bottom line of a business owner, one of two things has to happen, they have to raise prices or make cuts. Raising prices has to be the last resort in order to stay competitive, which leaves only one area, labor, which is the most expensive cost to any business.
Obviously Hilary agrees with Obama when he famously said to American business owners, “You didn’t build that.” To say that corporations and businesses do not create jobs is at best an asinine statement, if not them, who? While watching her give that speech, it was boggling to the mind that people in the audience actually cheered and clapped when she made those ridiculous statements. Why doesn’t Hilary go tell Amazon or Microsoft that they are not really creating jobs.
The government reported that there were 248,000 jobs created in September, hey Hilary, who created those jobs, the government? Corporations and businesses create the jobs; people like Obama and Hilary destroy jobs. When government sticks its nose into the private sector trouble follows, over regulation and mandating policy hurts the economy not helps it.
Recently fast food workers were protesting for a higher minimum wage, they do not grasp the fact that they are slowly putting themselves out of work. Automation is slowly creeping its way into the fast food industry and the higher wages go, cheaper automation will be implemented, what’s better, having a job or not having a job?
I cannot believe that there are so many people in this country that still fall for that big government crap. It is the government’s job to create an atmosphere that promotes job creation; this administration has done the complete opposite. The majority of Obama’s job creation has been for part time or low wage jobs, while wages tumble and prices rise, I cannot understand how people still believe that government works for our interest, government works for government’s interest and Obama and the Democratic Party are the perfect examples of that.
And she wants to be our next President? God I hope not.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids.” Available here.
This is one man’s opinion.