When people snap – the weapon can be anything
In effort to make the public believe that the government can prevent violence or injury, the delusional left has gone after guns. As recent events prove, their misguided story line is a lie – the guns are not the problem and the government cannot protect citizens from crazy people.
The news agencies constantly re-surface Columbine, Sandy Hook, the Navy Yard, etc. They point out the evil guns and the damage done, but what they rarely report or re-emphasize is the fact that those committing the atrocities were ALL, every single one of them, on anti-depressants and/or other anti-psychotics.
As further research is done, it becomes more obvious – the weapon isn’t the problem and the government cannot prevent these tragedies.
Less than a week ago, Roksana Sikorski stabbed her brother and sister with a knife. She had been diagnosed with PTSD and ADD and put on medication. A gun was not the issue.
Today in Queens, NY, two NYPD Police Officers were attacked by a man wielding a hatchet. Two officers were both seriously wounded, but were thankfully saved when a third officer opened fire and shot the attacker. A good guy with a gun saved the day.
While NYPD has the luxury of a third person ready to come to their aid, the rest of America knows that the average citizen would just cower while someone gets hatcheted, knifed or beaten to death.
It is up to us to defend ourselves and each other.
The government cannot, should not be in the business of regulating’moral behavior’ nor should it be. It would seem wiser and more productive to designate the spent on ‘trying’ to regulate & control morals towards the treatment of mental disorders currently requiring the oft over prescribed and over used medications. (that would mean to stop talking and start acting)….now there’s an idea. And with so many returning military, one we truly need to insist on. (Our HEROES gave their best and deserve ours)