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Ebola Update 10-16-14



The Ebola virus in the United States seems far beyond the control of the Obama Administration’s Centers for Disease Control and so far, health care workers and the economy seem to be taking the punishment for it.

On NBC’s “Today Show” this morning, Texas Presbyterian Nurse Briana Aguirre told host Matt Lauer that she watched fellow healthcare workers “violate basic principles of nursing” and that the hospital had not provided any protocols on the handling of an Ebola patient. When they contacted the hospital’s infectious disease control office to ask what the protocols were, Briana said, they were told that “they didn’t know” and would have to get back to them.

Aguirre went on to say that the protective gear that they were given did not fully cover their exposed skin leaving their necks entirely vulnerable to splashes of bodily fluids.

For months Americans have been told by the President and his head of the CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden, that there were procedures in place and that the healthcare system and the CDC were ready to deal with Ebola cases – the public is struggling to believe them.

Just last week Dr. Frieden blamed nurses for failing to follow protocol. Listening to Nurse Aguirre’s interview this morning, it would appear as though protocols and equipment were neither in place nor trained upon.

Now, the CDC has instituted rapid response teams to fly out to hospitals where an Ebola case is suspected. With recent events, it may be too little, too late.

Two nurses have since been diagnosed with Ebola. Nina Pham and Amber Vinson. Both were exposed to Mr. Duncan, the Ebola patient at Texas Hospital that flew into the United States with the infection.

Nina was quarantined, but Amber was allowed by the CDC to fly on a commercial airliner after she contacted them to inform them that she had a fever – the first sign of an infection. The CDC is now frantically searching for all 132 people on that shared that flight with her.

Even the economy is not immune to this highly-infectious killer. While Europe’s debt issues and widespread deflation are one aspect, Ebola fears are helping to push the stock market into free-fall.

Since the CDC first confirmed the first U.S. case on September 30th, the DOW has lost about 900 points – over 5% of it’s value just.. gone. Today’s DOW futures show another 200+ point drop in the offering at open.

Airline stocks have been hammered despite rapidly dropping oil prices. Fuel is a huge input costs and a main driver of ticket prices. Investors expect a massive drop in people willing to fly due to the spread of the disease. The CDC allowing an Ebola-exposed nurse with a fever fly may just make that come true.

As Ebola fear escalates in the country, investors are concerned that people will avoid crowds like those at stores, malls, restaurants and tourist destinations. With the holiday shopping season just beginning to kick-up, the timing could be catastrophic for the American economy especially after the disappointing retail sales numbers from last month.

The only portions of the economy that seems to be getting a lift from the outbreak are retailers that sell biohazard suits, masks, prepping supplies, guns and ammo.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. This is SCARY SCARY ‘stuff’, particularly since we know so very little about it an can’t be sure who or what to believe. We’re surrounded by talking heads from politicians to OB/Byn doctors and of course the ‘experts’ from CDC. Sorting out fact from fiction is almost impossible. And let’s not omit the salacious lead ins from the Media that intrudes our thinking 24/7……It occurs to me that with all the ‘demand’ to ban flights, that no one is talking about the wide open borders. Now, there has been a statement or two with regard to the official ‘crossings'(Which, someone that recently returned from seeing family in Mexico say is “hooey”) Let’s keep in mind that HUNDREDS of undocumented immigrants breech our borders DAILY. According to CIS and Border Patrol admit that they only apprehend about 40% of them. And that of those stopped there are increasing numbers from countries OTHER than Mexico….ie: Asia. AFRICA,multi-Arab countries…. During the onslaught this summer members of the BP were infected with disease and schools in 40 states that ‘took these illegals in’ have almost epidemic portions of “enterovirus”…which was fatal to at least one child…. Measles and TB are again on the rise…..This rather pales the reported 1-200 that reportedly come through our airports from the Ebola epic center….a SINGLE SOLUTION will curb this. SECURE OUR BORDERS FIRST…and then join the global fight at the source….That’s not cruel or insensitive….If we aren’t healthy we can’t help anyone..

    In 1999 everyone rushed to buy guns, ammo gas masks etc.

    FEAR creates panic and panic freezes rational thinking, Is this part of what many consider an ‘insider attack”? I urge caution against the Ebola and conspiracy theroies and invest in prayer candles rather than obsession.

    Rick, I appreciate your managing of your posts and wish more could share your common sense approach.

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